Cfp: Colloquium for the 60th Anniversary of META – 1955-2015

August 19-21, 2015 – Université de Montréal

Les horizons de la traduction : retour vers le futur; Translation’s horizons: back to the future; Los horizontes de la traducción: regreso al futuro

The Translators’ Journal, META, was born 60 years ago, under the aegis of the Presses de l’Université de Montréal. Most translation studies scholars of today were still at the beginning of their schooling, or even not yet born. The IFT had only just been created, in 1953. Vinay and Dalbernet’s seminal work (1958) had not yet been published, Mounin was publishing his essay Les belles infidèles (1955), Edmond Cary, his La traduction dans le monde moderne (1956), and Theodore H. Savory, his The Art of Translation (1957). More than ten years later, Otto Kade published his Qualitätsstufen der Übersetzung (1963), Rudolf W. Jumpelt, his La qualité en matière de traduction (Proceedings of 3rd IFT Congress, 1963), Eugene Nida, his Toward a Science of Translating (1964), and John C. Catford, his A Linguistic Theory of Translation (1965). Roman Jakobson’s famous essay (1971), James Holmes’ description of the field (1972), and the creation of the term “traductologie” by Brian Harris (1973) were yet to come. There is thus no exaggeration is stating that META is a pioneer of study of translation worldwide.

To celebrate this anniversary, we cannot attempt a thorough review, given how much the field, or rather the discipline, has grown. We can, however, allow ourselves to identify its major milestones, its key concepts, its essential approaches, and its most significant authors, all of which have broadened its horizons and paved its way to the future.

META invites you to go back to the future of translation studies – in August 2015, in Montreal, in the middle of summer celebrations – during this meeting of translators, terminologists, writers, lexicographers, and linguists. There is no use in delineating axes, sub-domains, or topics. We invite you to travel far and wide: back to the future.

Presentations will be 20 minutes long, followed by a 10-minute discussion; they can be given in French, English or Spanish. Your proposal must include the two following documents:

  1. A 300-word abstract (in Word format).
  1. The following form, duly completed. The information given therein will not be used to evaluate the quality of your proposal. It will only be included in the grant application that will be submitted to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHR) of Canada.

Please send your proposal to this address:, to the attention of Georges L. Bastin or Eve-Marie Gendron-Pontbriand, by November 30th, 2014, at the latest.

Posted by The Editors on 9th Oct 2014
in Call for Papers

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