
The Debates section is intended as a space in which scholars of translation can focus more on the exchange of ideas than on the presentation of their research. These exchanges can involve any number of discussants and can be prompted by a position paper, by a new publication, or any other means of getting the discussion going.

We welcome suggestions for future debates and if you would like to submit a proposal then please send a detailed outline, including the themes and the possible participants, to:

Marcello Soffritti & Maurizio Viezzi

An exchange on Gambier & Doorlsaer (2009)

Marcello Soffritti and Maurizio Viezzi interact at a distance on the book edited by Yves Gambier and Luc Van Doorslaer, The Metalanguage of Translation (Amsterdam/Philadelphia, Benjamins, 2009), highlighting its strengths and weaknesses. The analysis of the book develops, in both cases, into a reflection on the state of the discipline as a whole, and on the ways to improve its quality and its perception in the wider field of humanities.

Published September 2012 [In Italian].

Che cosa ci si aspetta dal libro. Un commento

Recensione di Gambier & Van Doorslaer (2009)

Marcello Soffritti (Università di Bologna, Italy)

Pregi e difetti del libro

Risposta alla recensione di Marcello Soffritti di Gambier & Van Doorslaer (2009)

Maurizio Viezzi (Università di Trieste, Italy)