Cfp: Colloquium for the 60th Anniversary of META – 1955-2015
August 19-21, 2015 – Université de Montréal
Les horizons de la traduction : retour vers le futur; Translation’s horizons: back to the future; Los horizontes de la traducción: regreso al futuro
Published in: Call for Papers
Corpus-based Interpreting Studies: The state of the art. First Forlì International Workshop
Department of Interpreting and Translation, University of Bologna. Forlì, Italy, 7-8 May 2015
More than 15 years have passed since the late Miriam Shlesinger called upon the Interpreting Studies community to embrace corpus-based methodologies (Shlesinger 1998). Corpus-based methodologies enable researchers to collect empirical data in quantities large enough to make reliable generalizations about interpreter performance (as opposed to studies based on anecdotal evidence); moreover, they also make it possible to analyse relevant phenomena on greater data sets than is usually the case when “manual” methodologies are used.
Published in: Call for Papers
Poetry in Metamorphosis
A celebration of Italian poetry and translation
Tuesday 21 October 2014. As part of the British Academy and Guardian Language Festival and the Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel Mondo 2014. At The British Academy and at the Italian Cultural Institute, London.
Published in: Announcements
Interpreting in Conflict Situations and in Conflict Zones throughout History
Call for papers: Linguistica Antverpiensia New Series -Themes in Translation Studies (15/2016)
Guest editors: Lucía Ruiz Rosendo (University Pablo de Olavide) & Clementina Persaud (University Pablo de Olavide)
Published in: Call for Papers
XII Giornate della Traduzione Letteraria
26-27-28 settembre 2014 - Palazzo Battiferri – Urbino
A cura di Stefano Arduini e Ilide Carmignani
Dipartimento di Studi Internazionali. Storia, Lingue, Culture - Università degli Studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo” e Città di Urbino
In collaborazione con “Tradurre la Letteratura” - Fondazione Universitaria San Pellegrino
Published in: Conference Diary
Ideological Manipulation in Audiovisual Translation
Call for papers
This special issue welcomes different approaches to the topic of ideological manipulation in AVT. It would ideally cover the vast array of genres pertaining to the audiovisual realm (films, news, documentaries, religious programmes, videogames…) as well as the different translation modes typical of this field (subtitling, dubbing, voiceover, accessibility…), investigating productive intersections with other ideologically charged disciplines such as religion, race, gender, feminism, gay and queer studies, and politics.
Published in: Call for Papers
Linguistica Antverpiensia New Series – Themes in Translation Studies (14/2015)
Call for papers
Towards a Genetics of Translation. Editors: Chiara Montini (Item, ENS/CNRS Paris), Anthony Cordingley (Université Paris VIII), Marie-Hélène Paret Passos (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre)
Published in: Call for Papers
Málaga, Spain - 29-31 January 2015
The 7th International Conference of the Iberian Association of Translation and Interpreting Studies (AIETI) will be held in Malaga.
At this year’s conference we intend to provide a forum for discussion which reflects the most current and updated research, in order to promote and disseminate the constant changes and developments in the field of Translation and Interpreting, both at academic and professional level.
For further information, please, visit the following website:
Published in: Call for Papers