8° Festival di Letteratura e Traduzione
Bellinzona, 12-15 Settembre 2013
L’edizione 2013 (12-15 settembre) sarà dedicata alla francofonia africana.
Published in: Announcements
Translating and Interpreting Across Media
Exploring the Relevance of (Inter)mediality for Language Pedagogy
Thursday 16 May 2013
Conference Room 1, Manchester Conference Centre
Published in: Conference Diary
Translation: Language across Languages
3rd International Workshop
Pavia, October 2013
Published in: Announcements
Josianne Podeur (a cura di). Tradurre il fumetto / Traduire la bande dessinée
Liguori editore, Napoli, 2012, pp. XIV + 79. ISBN 13 978-88-207-5764-9
Published in: New Publications
Interpreter-mediated interactions: Methodologies and models - A tribute to Miriam Shlesinger
LUSPIO, 7-9 November 2013 Libera Università degli Studi Per l'Innovazione e le Organizzazioni (LUSPIO). Rome, Italy
LARIM (Laboratorio di Ricerca sulle Interazioni Mediate dall’Interprete) is a research group on interpreter-mediated interactions set up in October 2012 within the Faculty of Interpreting and Translation (FIT), LUSPIO University in Rome. The main focus of the research group is to promote descriptive studies based on fieldwork and authentic empirical data, with a scientifically sound theoretical and methodological basis.
The research group has the pleasure of announcing the International Conference Interpreter-mediated Interactions: Methodologies and models, 7-9 November 2013 at LUSPIO University, Rome, in memory of Professor Miriam Shlesinger.
Published in: Call for Papers
CFP: Transferring Translation Studies
Low Countries Conference II. Antwerp & Utrecht, 28-30 November 2013
Published in: Call for Papers
Roberta Pederzoli. La traduction de la littérature d’enfance et de jeunesse et le dilemme du destinataire.
Préface de Jean Perrot.
2012. Coll. “Recherches comparatives sur les livres et le multimédia d’enfance” - Vol. 5. Bruxelles, Bern, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien. 313 p. ISBN 978-2-87574-010-6 br. (Softcover)
ISBN 978-3-0352-6279-7 (eBook)
Published in: New Publications
Chiara Elefante. Traduzione e paratesto
Bologna, Bononia University Press, Coll. “Studi Interdisciplinari su Traduzione, Lingue e Culture”, 2012, pp. 190. ISBN 978-88-7395-786-7
Published in: New Publications