Elio Ballardini. Traduire devant la justice pénale
L'interprète traducteur dans les codes de procédure pénale italiens aux XIXe et XXe siècles
Bologna, Bononia University Press. coll. “Studi Interdisciplinari su Traduzione, Lingue e Culture”, 2012, p. 224. ISBN 978-88-7395-800-0.
Published in: New Publications
“Did anyone say Power?”: Rethinking Domination and Hegemony in Translation
2nd Call for papers
Bangor University, Wales, UK, Thursday 5 and Friday 6 September 2013
Published in: Call for Papers
Book Purchase Grant
Sponsored by the European Society for Translation Studies and John Benjamins Publishing
The Book Purchase Grant is awarded annually to enable an academic institution to purchase Translation Studies publications. The aim is to enhance translation research in new contexts.
Deadline: March 31. Amount: About 1000 euros per year
Information: http://www.est-translationstudies.org/committees/literature_grant/literature_grant.html
Published in: Announcements
Senior Researcher position available
Department of Translation and Language Sciences at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
The Department of Translation and Language Sciences at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, is interested in hosting a senior researcher funded through the ICREA Senior program. Areas of interest to the Department include interpreting and translation studies (audiovisual translation, reception, localization, specialized translation, etc.) and theoretical and applied linguistics, including computational linguistics.
Published in: Announcements
Translation Research Summer School (HK) 2013
Open for applications
Successfully launched in 2009, The HONG KONG TRANSLATION RESEARCH SUMMER SCHOOL – TRSS (HK) – is based at the Centre for Translation, Hong Kong Baptist University. TRSS (HK) is run in conjunction with the UK TRSS programme, and offers a two-week course in Hong Kong, providing intensive research training in translation and intercultural studies for prospective researchers in the field. Teaching is conducted in English.
Published in: Announcements
Mariachiara Russo. Interpretare lo spagnolo. L’effetto delle dissimmetrie morfosintattiche nella simultanea
Bologna: CLUEB, 2012, pp. 218, 24 cm. ISBN: 978-88-4913-737-8. 18 €
Published in: New Publications
Amalia Amato. L’interprete nel contesto medico.
Bologna: CLUEB, 2012, pp. 158, 24 cm. ISBN: 978-88-491-3729-3.
Published in: New Publications
Giovanni Pascoli. Bonnefoy traduce Pascoli. A cura di Chiara Elefante
In allegato un CD con diciannove poesie di Giovanni Pascoli interpretate da Yves Bonnefoy, Angelo Baviera e Gabriele Marchesini. Mobydick , Faenza, "L'immaginario", 2012, pp. 70. ISBN 978.88.8178.503.2
Published in: New Publications