“Tradurre Figure” / “Translating Figurative Language”
Convegno internazionale / International conference
The conference aims at investigating issues related to the interlingual translation of figurative language.
december 12-december 14, 2012
Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna
1) Aula Prodi, Piazza S. Giovanni in Monte 2, 40124 Bologna
2) Aula Convegni, Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere, Via Cartoleria 5, 40124 Bologna
Umberto Eco, Gerard Steen, Zoltán Kövecses, Stefano Arduini, Christina Schäffner, Franco Nasi, Mirella Agorni, Patricia Godbout, and many others.
Conference site:
Published in: Announcements
Translating the City: Cartographies of Cultural Contact and Change
Panel to be presented at the American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) Annual Meeting Toronto, Canada, April 4-7, 2013
Seminar Organizer(s): Regina Galasso (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Evelyn Scaramella (Manhattan College)
Published in: Call for Papers
Pisa book festival 2012
Incontri sulla traduzione editoriale
23-24-25 Novembre 2012
Palazzo dei Congressi
Published in: Announcements
2nd ASSE International Conference on British and American Studies
Nation, nationality, nationhood: What's in a name? 2-4 May 2013 Tiranë, Albania
Albanian Society for the Study of English (ASSE) in collaboration with the English School of Canadian Institute of Technology are pleased to announce the Second ASSE International Conference on British and American Studies:
Nation, nationality, nationhood: What’s in a name?
The conference will be held from 02 - 04 May 2013 in Tirana.
Please visit the conference website (http://www.assenglish.org/nation/) for more information.
Published in: Call for Papers
CFP: Training legal translators and interpreters
Theory, research and practice
Special Issue of The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, Volume 9, Number 1, March 2015.
Published in: Call for Papers
CFP: panel on Corpus-based translation studies
29 to the 31 August 2013, University of Mainz in Germersheim, Germany
Panel organizers: Claudio Fantinuoli and Federico Zanettin
While corpus-based research critically depends on the availability of suitable tools and resources, there is still a lack of user-friendly tools allowing researchers in the soft sciences to create and analyze corpora according to the standards of the discipline.
This panel aims to provide a framework for discussing corpus data, tools and approaches which may allow translation scholars to collaborate among them and with the NLP community, in order to improve the quality of resources and make them available and accessible, with the ultimate goal of bridging the gap between the hard and soft sides of this multi-faceted field.
Published in:
Inchiesta Biblit sulle tariffe 2011 per le traduzioni in regime di diritto d’autore
L’inchiesta del network per traduttori letterari Biblit, giunta alla sua sesta edizione, non ha lo scopo di elaborare un tariffario consigliato, ma di fornire, sulla base delle segnalazioni di traduttori professionisti, indicazioni utili sull’andamento reale del mercato delle traduzioni in regime di diritto d’autore in Italia.
Published in: Announcements
Call for Papers: Translation and Lexicography
Call for papers for an inTRAlinea Special Issue (2013), edited by María del Mar Sánchez Ramos, María Porciel Crosa and Iris Serrat Roozen
Published in: Call for Papers