The Taboo Conference

TaCo2012 Forlì (Italy), 25-27 October 2012

Call for papers 

In a world that seems continuously to be pushing the envelope of what is acceptable to the inhabitants of specific linguistic and cultural contexts, this interdisciplinary conference acknowledges the importance of investigating taboos and their reinforcement/breaking in various areas of language, culture and society, and across different cultures.

Published in: Call for Papers

Del tradurre: teorie e approcci

Giornata di Studi Internazionale. Padova, 15 dicembre 2011. Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia. Palazzo Maldura - Via Beato Pellegrino, 1.

Published in: Conference Diary

The languages of films

Dubbing, acquisition and methodology

14-15 September 2012 - University of Pavia

This conference aims to offer an original contribution to research on audiovisual translation and language learning from a descriptive and a methodological perspective by focussing on the specificities of original and dubbed film dialogue. The main themes which will be investigated during the conference include linguistic aspects of original and dubbed film dialogue, the representation of conversation on the screen and the role of original and dubbed audiovisual input in second/foreign
language acquisition.

Published in: Call for Papers

The Art of Translation

Jirí Levý

Translated by Patrick Corness. Edited with a critical foreword by Zuzana Jettmarová. Benjamins Translation Library 97. 2011. xxviii, 322 pp. ISBN 978 90 272 2445 3.

Published in: New Publications

Séminaire international Autour de la traduction juridique

Padova, 02/12/2011

Quelques mots sur le Séminaire

Le Séminaire international “Autour de la traduction juridique” se veut une rencontre scientifique interdisciplinaire réunissant des linguistes, un philosophe et des experts du droit, dans le but de favoriser l’échange et le partage de réflexions et d’expériences qui portent sur l’activité traduisante dans le domaine juridique. Les traducteurs experts ou novices, ainsi que les professionnels du droit, sont confrontés à un défi à la fois linguistique et culturel, qui se renouvelle au fur et à mesure que les règlements juridiques nationaux et internationaux changent, et que les textes juridiques se multiplient. Qu’il s’agisse de propositions théoriques, d’études terminologiques ponctuelles ou d’analyses concernant des spécificités liées au droit ou à la langue, ce Séminaire vise à mettre en évidence les enjeux multiples d’une tâche délicate, celle de la traduction juridique.


Published in: Conference Diary

Norwich Papers

Call for Contributions 2011/12

Theme - The Next BIG Thing: Current Trends in Translation.

Published in: Call for Papers

Nida School of Translation Studies

Misano, Italy, May 20 - June 2, 2012

May 20 - June 2, 2012

The Nida Institute announces the 2012 Nida School of Translation Studies. The School will meet May 20 - June 2, 2012 in Misano Adriatico (Rimini), Italy. The theme of this year’s School is Translation between Globalization and Localization. The School is honored to name its two Nida Professors for 2012: Anthony Pym (Tarragona) and Musa Dube (Botswana).

Published in: Announcements