Incontri sulla traduzione letteraria
Biblioteca San Giorgio di Pistoia
Published in: Announcements
Subtitles and Language Learning
Pavia 13th 14th September 2012
The University of Pavia is hosting the International Conference “Subtitles and Language Learning”, whose aim is to disseminate the results of a three-year project - November 2009 – November 2012 - co-financed by the EU as part of the Life Long Learning Programme managed by EACEA (European Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency - Agreement Number 2009–4041/001-001, Project Number 504737-LLP-1-2009-1-FI-KA2-KA2NW).
Published in: Conference Diary
First International Conference on Non-Professional Interpreting and Translation
The Advanced School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators (SSLMIT) and the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies in Translation, Languages and Cultures (SITLeC) of the University of Bologna at Forlì present the First International Conference on Non-professional Interpreting and Translation. The aim of this conference is to provide a forum for discussion in a relatively recent and often neglected field of language and cultural mediation. The conference will take place from 17th to 19th May 2012, in the city of Forlì, Italy.
Published in: Conference Diary
5th Conference of the translation of dialects and dialects in multimedia - University of Turku (Finland)
The conference is directed at academics from various disciplines as well as translators and students who are interested in the translation of dialects in multimedia contexts.
Published in: Call for Papers
Banca dati dei traduttori editoriali da e verso l’italiano
A cura del Centro per il Libro e la Lettura
Il settore della traduzione editoriale rappresenta un importante segmento nella filiera della produzione testuale e il Centro per il Libro e la Lettura intende puntarvi i riflettori, offrendo un servizio al mondo del libro attraverso l’area dedicata nel proprio spazio web.
Published in: Announcements
Theories and Methodologies of Translation History
Special Issue of The Translator (Volume 20 Number 1, 2014)
Call for papers for a special issue of The Translator guest edited by Christopher Rundle (University of Bologna and Manchester).
Published in: Call for Papers
Fedeli a chi? Fedeli a cosa?
Lunedì 24 ottobre, ore 16, Casa delle Traduzioni, via degli Avignonesi 32, Roma
Incontro dedicato al tema della traduzione teatrale
Published in: Announcements
The corporeal and the spiritual in the works of Walter Scott
organized by D2I (VALE) and SFEEc, Université Paris-Sorbonne, Thursday 5th and Friday 6th July 2012.
Walter Scott often seems determined to erase the body from his texts, following the traditional Cartesian opposition between body and soul, the body being merely, to use Plato’s image, the tomb of the soul. Thus the novelist often chooses to focus only on his characters’ intellectual development, giving the reader so few details about their physical appearance that it is often quite difficult to picture them.
Published in: Call for Papers