EST Summer School Scholarship

Call for applications

Ever since it was founded in September 1992, EST has focused on drawing attention to new research in Translation Studies, and encouraging young scholars to join the collective endeavour. Since 2003, the Executive Board of EST has sponsored one participant per year attending a summer school of research in translation studies.
This year, EST will again sponsor one EST member to attend a TS Summer School.
The sum of the scholarship will be 1,000 euros.
The deadline for submitting applications for the Summer School Scholarship is
May 1st, 2011

Published in: Announcements

“Only Connect”

First International Conference of the Albanian Society for the Study of English

Albanian Society for the Study of English (ASSE) organizes its First International Conference on British and American Studies, which is hosted by the Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Humanities at the University of Vlora between 11-13 June 2011.

Published in: Call for Papers

CETRA 2011

Twenty-third Research Summer School

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
22 August - 2 September 2011
CETRA Chair Professor: Christina Schaeffner, Aston University
The 2011 provisional programme:

Published in: Announcements

LUSPIO Translation Automation Conference (LTAC)


Un’occasione di dialogo tra docenti, ricercatori e professionisti con l’obiettivo di raccogliere gli spunti più innovativi e le iniziative più interessanti in materia di tecnologia per la traduzione e terminologia.

Published in: Conference Diary

Translation Research Summer School (UK)

Manchester 27 June -8 July 2011

TRSS (UK) offers intensive research training for prospective researchers in the fields of translation, interpreting and intercultural studies.
TRSS (UK) is able to assist two students to attend the Summer School in 2011. The scholarships will cover the tuition fee as well as travel and/or living expenses, up to £1,000.

Published in: Announcements

La geografia della mediazione linguistico-culturale

Donna R. Miller & Ana Pano (a cura di). 2010. Bologna: Dupress.Quaderni del CeSLiC. Atti di Convegni CeSLiC 2: Selected Papers p. 392.  ISBN 978-88-95451-47-3

Published in: New Publications

Traduire les savoirs

Danielle Londei & Matilde Callari Galli (éds). 2010. Peter Lang AG, Coll. “Transversales. Langue, sociétés, cultures et apprentissages” n° 26. Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien. pp. 386.  ISBN-13: 9783034300971. ISSN 1424-5868

Published in: New Publications

International Conference ICT for Language Learning

Florence, (Italy), 20-21 October 2011.

The objective of the ICT for Language Learning conference is to promote the sharing of good practice and transnational cooperation in the field of the application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to Language Learning and Teaching.

Published in: Call for Papers