5 fellowships in translation research training
TIME (Translation Research Training: An integrated and intersectoral model for Europe) is offering 4 Early Stage Researcher (ESR) Fellowships (2011-2014) and 1 Experienced Researcher (ER) Fellowship (2011-2013)
Coordinator: Reine Meylaerts (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)
Partners: Yves Gambier (University of Turku, Finland), Anthony Pym (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain) and Christina Schaeffner (Aston University, UK)
Associated partners: Amnesty International Vlaanderen, Lionbridge International,
Logoscript and Observatoire social européen
Published in: Announcements
Publishing Translations in Fascist Italy
By Christopher Rundle
In the 1930s translation became a key issue in the cultural politics of the Fascist regime due to the fact that Italy was publishing more translations than any other country in the world. Making use of extensive archival research, the author of this new study examines this ‘invasion of translations’ through a detailed statistical analysis of the translation market. The book shows how translations appeared to challenge official claims about the birth of a Fascist culture and cast Italy in a receptive role that did not tally with Fascist notions of a dominant culture extending its influence abroad. The author shows further that the commercial impact of this invasion provoked a sustained reaction against translated popular literature on the part of those writers and intellectuals who felt threatened by its success.
Published in: New Publications
Translation Under Fascism
Edited by Christopher Rundle & Kate Sturge
In the fascist regimes of the mid twentieth century – this volume the focuses on Italy, Germany, Spain and Portugal – translation was a carefully, though not always successfully, managed cultural practice. Translation policies attempted to steer public perceptions and promote or brake ideological change.
Published in: New Publications
Tradurre (in) Europa - Festival della Traduzione
Napoli dal 22 al 29 novembre 2010
Dal 22 al 29 novembre Napoli ospita Tradurre in Europa - Festival della Traduzione, manifestazione che celebra l’arte del condurre al di là, intesa come tecnica e strumento di mediazione tra mondi, lingue, culture, codici, arti ed esperienze.
Published in: Announcements
CETRA 2011 Twenty-third Research Summer School
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium 22 August - 2 September 2011
CETRA Chair Professor: Christina Schaeffner, Aston University
For further information:
- please contact Reine Meylaerts: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
- please see our website: http://www.kuleuven.be/cetra/index/
- Application procedure: http://www.kuleuven.be/cetra/Summer_School/applicationprocedure.html
Published in: Announcements
The Nida School of Translation Studies
Misano Adriatico (Rimini), Italy May 16-28, 2011
The Nida Institute announces the 2011 Nida School of Translation Studies that will meet May 16-28, 2011 in Misano Adriatico (Rimini), Italy. Two distinguished scholars, Martha Cheung (Hong Kong Baptist University) and Vicente Rafael (University of Washington, Seattle) serve as Nida Professors this year and will develop this year’s theme, “Translation and Ideology” in three lectures each.
Published in: Announcements
Translation and Technology Conference, Paris (France), March 3-4, 2011
This conference is of interest for:
- Translators and Interpretors,
- Researchers in Language Technology, especially Machine Translation,
- Educators in the areas of translation and interpretation.
Deadline for submitting on-line a 500-word abstract is November 30, 2010
All information on the conference is available at:http://www.tralogy.eu/
Published in: Call for Papers
Cross-Cultural Pragmatics at a Crossroads II: Linguistic and Cultural Representations across Media
Wednesday 29 June-Friday 1 July 2011, University of East Anglia, Norwich UK,
Plenary speakers:
Juliane House (Hamburg University, Germany)
Gunther Kress (University of London. UK)
Michel Marcoccia (Troyes University of Technology, France)
Jeremy Munday (University of Leeds, UK)
Luis Pérez-González (University of Manchester, UK)
Miranda Stewart (Hellenic American University, Athens, Greece)
deadline extended to 30 November 2010
Abstracts to http://linguistlist.org/confcustom/CCPII 2011
for publication outlets and registration information please see https://www.uea.ac.uk/ccp2
Published in: Call for Papers