The Translation Studies and Its Contexts 4

Volume of Papers

In 2011 we shall prepare (in cooperation with University of Wroclaw) another edition of the translation studies volume of papers entitled The Translation Studies and Its Contexts. The first volume was published in 2003, the second in 2007, and the third in 2009.
We would like to offer to Slovak and foreign scholars and professionals an opportunity of publishing their papers in foreign languages and in Slovak.

Published in: Call for Papers

Translating Information

Edited by Roberto A. Valdeón

This volume “collects the work of several distinguished scholars from the discipline, all dealing with the translation of informative texts, be they on health issues, tourist texts or university syllabuses. But most prominent in this volume are the articles dealing with the fascinating subfield of news translation” (Luc van Doorslaer, Cetra). It “sheds light on the challenges facing the thousands of invisible translators involved in conveying information and the implications of the dominion of the English language” (Delia Chiaro, University of Bologna).

Published in: New Publications

Babel, festival di letteratura e traduzione

Mancano due settimane a Babel, il programma è pronto, il sito è on-line, Facebook pure, le iscrizioni per i workshop sono aperte, il Messico si avvicina a Babel ancora di più.

Published in: Announcements

2nd Jordan International Conference on Translation 2010

Translation: Science, Art, or Skill?

(30 November – 2 December 2010)
Amman, Jordan

Published in: Conference Diary

The Interpreters’ Newsletter

Special Issue on Television Interpreting

to be published in December 2011

Published in: Call for Papers


17-19 settembre 2010 Palazzo Battiferri - Via Saffi, n. 42 - Urbino

Dipartimento di Letterature moderne e scienze filologico-linguistiche
Università degli Studi di Urbino ‘Carlo Bo’

A cura di Stefano Arduini e Ilide Carmignani

Published in: Announcements

XIXème Congrès mondial de la FIT / FIT XIX World Congress

Un pont entre les cultures / Bridging Cultures

XIXème Congrès mondial de la Fédération internationale des traducteurs
Un pont entre les cultures
San Francisco, États-Unis, du 1er au 4 août 2011

Published in: Conference Diary

Non-professionals Translating and Interpreting

Participatory and Engaged Perspectives

Guest editors: 
Şebnem Susam-Sarajeva (University of Edinburgh, U.K.) & Luis Pérez-González (University of Manchester, U.K.)

To be published by St. Jerome Publishing (Manchester, UK)

Published in: Call for Papers