4th International Conference on the Translation of Dialects in Multimedia - University of Bologna at Forlì (Italy) 13-14 May 2010
Published in: Call for Papers
The Said and the Unsaid
First International Conference on Language, Literature and Cultural Studies
University of Vlora “Ismail Qemali” - Vlore, Albania. 11-13 September 2010
Published in: Call for Papers
Minor Translating Major -- Major Translating Minor -- Minor Translating Minor
Vol. 1 (2009)
Published in: New Publications
From Reflection to Refraction: new perspectives, new settings and new impacts
IPCITI 2010 - International Postgraduate Conference in Translation and Interpreting
Following the success of the 5th International Postgraduate Conference in Translation and Interpreting Studies (IPCITI) held at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, we are pleased to announce that the 6th conference in this series will be hosted by the University of Manchester on 29-31 October, 2010.
Published in: Call for Papers
International Symposium: Translation and Cultural Mediation
22 / 23 February 2010 UNESCO – 7 Place de Fontenoy, Paris - Room IX
2010 - International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures
Organized on the occasion of the 11th International Mother Language Day in collaboration with the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS – [url=http://www.iatis.org]http://www.iatis.org)[/url]
Published in: Conference Diary
POINTS OF VIEW in language and culture Audiovisual Translation
14-15 October 2011 KRAKOW, POLAND
The International Conference on Audiovisual Translation in Krakow is a response to a growing body of research in this area with ever-increasing demands placed on interpreters and translators. Special attention will be given to the developments in audiovisual translation theory and their practical application.
Published in: Call for Papers
Audiovisual translation across Europe: an ever-changing landscape
European Society for the Study of English conference: Torino, 24-28 August 2010
The aim of this seminar is to cast light on the field of audiovisual translation within the larger framework of English language studies across Europe. As this domain of research is rapidly expanding, just like the translational activities aiming to the localization of audiovisual texts in Europe and beyond, the need for full acknowledgement and the call for interdisciplinary investigation, is ever more urgent.
Published in: Call for Papers
Literary landscapes and the reception of translations
24th – 28th JULY, 2010 UNIVERSITY OF GENOA
The process of literary meaning construction, not to mention the assignment of literary value and ideological significance, is framed by the audience’s ‘horizon of expectation’, which is determined by its social, cultural and literary experience. It is often the case that the meaning of a translation is recreated within a horizon of expectations that are substantially different from those operating in the context of production of the original text.
Further details about the city, the University and conference can be found at the official conference website: http://www.lingue.unige.it/ials2010/index.php
Published in: Call for Papers