Intensive Summer Course in Audiovisual Translation

Imperial College London 5 - 30 July 2010

Imperial College London will be running an Intensive Summer Course in Audiovisual Translation, in the following language combinations:

English to Italian
5 - 30 July 2010

English to Portuguese

12 - 30 July 2010

The application deadline is 19th May 2010.

Published in: Announcements

Le Jeu des mots

Réflexions sur la traduction des jeux linguistiques

La traduction des jeux de mots est un champ complexe, où s’entrecroisent des pratiques et des phénomènes très différents et, apparemment, sans rapports réciproques. [...]

Published in: New Publications

Emerging Topics in Translation and Interpreting

Nuovi percorsi in traduzione e interpretazione

International Conference hosted by the Dipartimento di Scienze del Linguaggio,
dell’Interpretazione e della Traduzione (DSLIT) in collaboration with the Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori (SSLMIT)
University of Trieste, 16-18 June 2010

Published in: Call for Papers


Online conference, December 2, 2009

ETI - Université de Genève

Published in: Announcements

Traduttori a confronto

Susan Bennett, Laurence Courtois e Mario Rubino. Discutono delle loro nuove versioni di Kleiner Mann - was nun? di Hans Fallada.

martedì 10 novembre, ore 10-13
mercoledì 11 novembre, ore 10-12

Aula seminari
Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia
Università degli Studi Palermo

Published in: Conference Diary

Issues in Translation: Language, Culture, Literature

Bari, 3-6 Novembre 2009

Autumn Doctoral Seminars for Dottorato Di Ricerca in Teoria e Prassi della Traduzione: Percorsi Interculturali Europei e Americani

Published in: Announcements

CETRA 2010

Twenty-second Doctoral Summer School

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
16 - 28 August 2010
CETRA Chair Professor: Sherry Simon, Concordia University

Published in: Announcements

Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (UCCTS) 2010

Edge Hill University in Ormskirk (near Liverpool, UK), 27-29th July 2010
Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (UCCTS), which is a biennial international conference series launched to provide a forum for exploring the creation and use of corpora in contrastive and translation studies, is related, but not confined to the following themes:

*    Design and development of comparable and parallel corpora
*    Processing of multilingual corpora
*    Using corpora in translation studies and teaching
*    Using corpora in cross-linguistic contrast
*    Corpus-based comparative research of source native language, translated language and target native language
*    Corpus-based research at the interface between contrastive and translation studies
*    Bilingual terminology, lexicology and lexicography

Published in: Call for Papers