II Coloquio Internacional de Vigo sobre Paratraducción

primera parte: 3-5 de junio de 2009

Salón de actos de la Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución Universidade de Vigo 36310 Vigo
http://webs.uvigo.es/paratraduccion .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Published in: Conference Diary

Does the night smell the same in Italy and in English speaking countries?

An essay on translation: Camilleri in English

by Emanuela Gutkowski
Preface by Stephen Sartarelli
Ilion Books Edizioni umanistiche e scientifiche
Collana: Translation Studies

Published in: New Publications

Viceversa. Revista galega de tradución

Deadline: Number 16 (due January 2010): October 2009

Manuscripts may be sent to the Editor, Viceversa, via e-mail (.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)). Detailed instructions on how to prepare your manuscript are available from the editor or under “Committee-Author Instructions” at http://webs.uvigo.es/webatg/viceversa/consello.htm

Published in: Call for Papers

Jana Hensel: Zonenkinder. I figli della Germania scomparsa. Milano: Mimesis 2009. A cura di Karin Bi

È uscita la traduzione di Zonenkinder, uno dei testi più discussi sugli effetti psicologici e sociali della caduta del Muro

Published in: New Publications


Publication of Draft Programme

IATIS is pleased to announce that the draft program for the 3rd Conference of the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS) has just been published on the conference website.

Published in: Conference Diary

Il traduttore libertino


Un “dialogo non filosofico” sull’arte della traduzione
prezzo di copertina € 15,49
ISBN: 9788877704641

Published in: New Publications


4th International Conference on the Translation of Dialects in Multimedia - University of Bologna at Forlì (Italy) 13-14 May 2010

The conference is directed at academics from various disciplines as well as translators and students who are interested in the translation of dialects in multimedia contexts. The conference will concentrate on a complex, interdisciplinary subject area involving linguistics, communication studies, film studies and translation studies as well as other areas of cultural studies, sociology and other disciplines.


Published in: Call for Papers

Mastering Public Service Interpreting

Friday, 10 July 2009, London Metropolitan University, 84 Moorgate, City, London EC2M 6SQ

For information and registration please visit http://www.londonmet.ac.uk/depts/hale/news/

Published in: Conference Diary