5th International Conference on Multimodality (5ICOM)
1-3 December 2010 at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), Australia.
We are pleased to announce the First Call for Papers for the Fifth International Conference on Multimodality (5ICOM) taking place in Sydney on 1-3 December 2010.
5ICOM is a meeting point for international scholars and practitioners from a wide range of disciplines, including communication and language studies, social semiotics, linguistics, education, (new) media studies, design, traditional and new media arts, cultural studies, sociology, history, and (computer) science.
The conference will focus on:
• gesture, proxemics, movement, facial expression, laughter and voice quality in mediated and non-mediated human interactions
• the nexus between semiotics and technologies for communication, design and analysis
• the creation and (critical) reception of new media art
• multimodality and education.
Papers, colloquia and workshops that address these themes from different theoretical and practical perspectives are particularly welcome.
Plenary Speakers:
We are pleased to confirm the following plenary speakers:
- John Bateman, University of Bremen, Germany
- Ross Gibson, Sydney College of the Arts, University of Sydney, Australia
- Carey Jewitt, University of London, UK
- Adam Kendon, University of Pennsylvania, USA
- Jim Martin, University of Sydney, Australia
- Theo van Leeuwen, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Proposals for papers, colloquia and workshops should include 200-word abstract/s and information about the speaker/s (i.e. name, affiliation and email address), and specify any equipment requirements other than PowerPoint with sound. Proposals should be emailed as MS-Word attachments to Emilia Djonov at
5icom@uts.edu.au The file name should start with the first author’s or the workshop/colloqium convenor’s surname.
Each abstract will undergo a double blind-review.
Papers should fit into a 40-minute timeslot, with 30 minutes for presentation and 10
minutes for questions and discussion.
Colloquia should fit into a 90-minute timeslot, with sufficient time left for panel
discussion and questions from the audience. Each colloquium proposal should include an overall abstract for the colloquium, abstracts for each individual presentation, and atimetable.
Workshops should fit into a 3-hour timeslot and encourage participatory exploration of new data and/or new analytical or design tools. Each workshop proposal should include a timetable.
Proposal submission deadline: 1 May 2010
Notification of acceptance: 1 June 2010
5ICOM Organising Committee
Theo van Leeuwen (Chair)
Susan Hood
Terry Royce
Emilia Djonov
The conference website and registration rates will be announced by 30 October 2009. For further information, email Emilia Djonov at
Posted by The Editors on 19th Sep 2009
in Call for Papers