Enhancing Translation Quality: Ways, Means, Methods
T h u r s d a y - J a n u a r y 2 4 , 2 0 0 8
09h00 10h30
Opening ceremony
Hannelore LEE-JAHNKE, Présidente de la CIUTI
Mauro DELL'AMBROGIO, Secrétaire d'Etat à la Recherche
Laurent MOUTINOT, Président du Conseil d'Etat
Vladimir GRATCHEV, Directeur Division des Services de Conférence, UNOG
Jean Dominique VASSALLI, Recteur de l'Université de Genève
Wolfgang MACKIEWICZ, President, European Language Council, Freie Universität Berlin
Lance HEWSON, Président de l'ETI, Université de Genève
Enrique TELLO ROLDÁN, Rector, Universidad La Rioja, Argentina
Peter KRAWUTSCHKE, Président de la Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs (FIT)
Benoît KREMER, Président de l'AIIC
Geneviève SERIOT, Past President of the International Association for Conference Translators
Martin FORSTNER, Secrétaire Général de la CIUTI
10h30 10h50
Karl-Juhani LÖNNROTH, Directeur Général, DG Traduction EU: L'assurance du service à la Commission
Coffee break
Section 1 What is an error? The academic point of view
Moderator: Peter HOLZER, Universität Innsbruck
11h10 13h10
Lidi WANG, Dean, Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation, Beijing Foreign Studies University:
Quality Assurance and Quality Education in T&I Training
Gyde HANSEN, University of Copenhagen:
A Classification of typical errors
Marella MAGRIS, Università di Trieste:
Übersetzungsfehler und deren Auswirkungen in der Praxis
Zhang WEN, Dean, School of Interpretation and Translation, Beijing: Language Proficiency and Translation
Quality: The Predicament in Chinese University Translator / Interpreter Training
Claudia MEJIA, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellin: L'erreur: La place du traducteur
Maurizio VIEZZI, Università di Trieste: Aspects of communication quality in a simultaneous interpreting
13h00 - 14h30
Section 2 Recruitment Practices, or how to get the « crème de la crème »
Moderator: Paul PAUWELS, Lessius Hogeschool, Antwerp
14h30 16h00
Min LU, National Translation Test and Appraisal Center: Introduction to China Aptitude Test for Translators
and Interpreters (CATTI)
Graham HOBBS, Chief, English Translation Section, UNOG: Bringing New Recruits up to Speed
Frans DELAET: Acquiring Translation ability for select target markets
Marie MERIAUD, Directrice, ISIT, Paris:
Recruter des enseignants et des étudiants d'excellence, un défi
constant et incontournable. Quelles méthodes? Quels outils?
16h00 16h30
Coffee break
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Section 3 Quality in Pre-Translation
Moderator: Marcel THELEN, Hogeschool Zuyt, Maastricht
16h30 - 18h00
Marianne GUENOT-HOVNANIAN, Pre-editor UNOG: La préédition à l'ONU
Olivier PASTEUR, Chief Translation support section, Language services and documentation division, WTO:
Validité et qualité des pré traductions: outils, méthodes et compétences
François MASSION, D.O.G. GmbH, Leonberg: Automating Translation Quality Control
Andrei ATCHKASOV, Directeur du Centre Fedorov de traductologie, Université d'Etat de St. Petersbourg:
Translation evaluation in Russia: State of the Art.
Marie-Jeanne DEROUIN,
Langenscheidt Fachverlag GmbH: Stellenwert der elektronischen Wörterbücher für die
Johann HALLER, Universität Saarbrücken:
CLAT (Controlled Language Authoring Tool) for Translation
F r i d a y - J a n u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 0 8
Section 4 Quality Measurements in International Organizations
Moderator: Frieda STEURS, Director, Lessius Hogeschool, Antwerp
9h00 - 10h30
Marie-Josée DE SAINT ROBERT, Chief, Languages Services, Conference Services Division, UNOG:
Assessing Quality in translation and Terminology
Mohammed DIDAOUI: Managing Quality and Inequality in Institutional Translation Services
Gabriele SAUBERER, Universität Wien: What is the new "Language Industry Certification System" and
what can it do for Translation Quality and Service Providers?
Daniel GOUADEC, Directeur, Université de Rennes: La qualité: un défi pour les pros, un défi pour les profs
Brian FOX,
IAMLADP: The Quest for Quality: perceptions and realities.
10h30 - 11h00
Coffee break
Section 5 Quality Measurements II: Aspects of the Market
Moderator: Frank PEETERS, Director HIVT, Antwerp
11h00 - 13h00
Suleiman AL ABBAS, Scientific Director, Atlas Research Center, Amman:
The Standard of Translation
Quality in the Jordanian Universities Programmes and the Prospective Role of Atlas Global Center for Studies and
Erich PRUNC, Direktor, Universität Graz: Das Chamäleon der Qualität
Elke FAUNDEZ, CLS: Qualitätssicherung Zentrale Aspekte in der Wertschöpfungskette
Jirí STEJSKAL, President ATA: Provider / Process / Product: the Three P's of Translation Quality
Manfred SCHMITZ, Intertext, Berlin: Qualitätsnormen in der Übersetzungspraxis Sichern sie die Qualität?
13h00 14h30
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Section 6 Impact of Translation Quality on Conferences
Moderator: Nike POKORN, Director, Universität Ljubljana
14h30 - 16h30
Mikhail MARUSENKO, Doyen, Université d'Etat de St. Petersbourg: Méthode complexe d'évaluation de la
qualité des traductions (approche multidimensionnelle)
Mariana FIORITO, Colegio de traductores publicos, Buenos Aires:
Chris DURBAN, Paris:
Battling the Black Hole in Space Mentality
NAATI, Sydney: The role of national accreditation systems in setting and maintaining
Zhengren LI, Chief Interpreter UNOG: Implementing Quality Control
Section 7 Roundtable on Quality Assurance Measurements: Are they necessary? Recommendations
Moderator: Peter Axel SCHMITT, Studiendekan, Universität Leipzig
16h30 - 18h00
Elsa YAZBEK CHARABATI, responsable de l'interprétation ETIB, Beyrouth
Marie-Josée DE SAINT ROBERT, Chief, Languages Services, Conference Services Division, UNOG
Martin FORSTNER, Universität Mainz, Germersheim
Vadim KOLESNIKOV, Université Linguistique, Minsk
Hannelore LEE-JAHNKE, Présidente CIUTI, ETI, Université de Genève
Arthur METTINGER, President of the Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe (UNICA)
Noël MUYLLE, Hon. Director general of the European Commission, Bruxelles
Larisa SCHIPPEL, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Ludo TEEUWEN, Director, VLEKHO, Brussels
Catherine TEULE MARTIN, Directeur ESIT, Paris
Posted by Federico Zanettin on 16th Dec 2007
in Conference Diary