

ENTRECULTURAS è una rivista del Gruppo di Ricerca Interuniversitario “Traducción, Comunicación y Lingüística Aplicada” (HUM 767) dell’Università di Málaga. Nasce dalla volontà di dare il proprio contributo alla diffusione internazionale di tutto ciò che riguarda la produzione traduttologica realizzata in lingua spagnola.

Español | English | Français | Italiano | Português ES: [url=http://www.entreculturas.uma.es/]http://www.entreculturas.uma.es/[/url] EN: [url=http://www.entreculturas.uma.es/larevistaingles.html]http://www.entreculturas.uma.es/larevistaingles.html[/url] FR: [url=http://www.entreculturas.uma.es/larevistafrances.html]http://www.entreculturas.uma.es/larevistafrances.html[/url] IT: [url=http://www.entreculturas.uma.es/larevistaitaliano.html]http://www.entreculturas.uma.es/larevistaitaliano.html[/url] PT: [url=http://www.entreculturas.uma.es/larevistaportugues.html]http://www.entreculturas.uma.es/larevistaportugues.html[/url] # 1: [url=http://www.entreculturas.uma.es/n1pdf/entreculturasn1.pdf]http://www.entreculturas.uma.es/n1pdf/entreculturasn1.pdf[/url] (~5,5 MB / 871 pages / >40 papers, reviews and reports) > >>> What is ENTRECULTURAS? ENTRECULTURAS is a journal which has its origins in the Grupo Interuniversitario de Investigación en Traducción, Comunicación y Lingüística Aplicada (HUM 767) (Interuniversity Research Group on Translation, Communication and Applied Linguistics). Its intention is to contribute to the dissemination of translation studies in the Spanish language at international level. In principle, for this first stage, we have adopted a number of decisions on the content of the journal and its editorial line as follows. THE DISSEMINATION OF THE JOURNAL The journal will in principle be disseminated on-line. With the publication of each journal number a mass email will be sent to Translation and Interpretation institutions, professors, students and professionals as to the effect of the availability of a new journal number and web address at which it can be consulted. JOURNAL FREQUENCY ENTRECULTURAS is planned to publish on a semi-annual basis, although some content of the web-portal which supports the journal will be updated monthly. Exceptionally, three journal numbers will be published during 2009, journal numbers 2 and 3 during the first and second halves of 2009 respectively. LANGUAGE OF PUBLICATION IN ENTRECULTURAS The vehicular language of this journal is Spanish. However, publication proposals in English, French, Italian and Portuguese will be also considered. All articles shall submit one abstract in Spanish and another in English without prejudice to the language in which the article is drafted. STRUCTURE AND CONTENT OF THE JOURNAL ENTRECULTURAS is structured into two main groups: THE WEB-PORTAL THE JOURNAL This portal contains the following information sections: What is ENTRECULTURAS? Archives (biannual update) Style sheet Professional aspects (monthly update) R&D (monthly update) Developments (monthly update) Links (monthly update) Contact Us THE CONTENT OF EACH SECTION OF THE WEB-PORTAL What is ENTRECULTURAS? This section is provided by way of presentation of the journal and the other sections in the journal are accessible from it. Presentations in English, French and Spanish are provided for. Archives This section shall accommodate the various reference numbers of the journal as they are published. Style sheet This section contains the journal rules for submission of original documents for assessment and publication as per the different sections: articles, review articles, technical reports and reviews. Professional aspects This section shall inform of the aspects related to the translation and interpretation occupation. It shall thus among others include the following items: 1. Links to professional associations. 2. Relevant information on the translation and interpretation occupation. 3. Legislative developments connected with the translation and interpretation occupation. 4. Codes of ethics discussed. 5. Resources for the translation and interpretation occupation. *** This section shall be updated monthly. R&D Projects The following shall be placed in this section: TECHNICAL REPORTS on the R&D projects that have been developed so far since 1998. It is intended to make known research activities carried out within the scope of Translation and Interpretation at international level. TECHNICAL REPORTS on doctoral dissertations defended within the scope of Translation and Interpretation. Translation Studies Research Resources *** This section shall be updated twice a year in relation to the publication of a new journal number. Developments This section shall among others inform of the following items: 1. Academic or professional events or activities connected with translation and interpretation. 2. Publications having a bearing on the translation and interpretation occupation. 3. Publication of on-line resources applicable to the translation and interpretation occupation. *** This section shall be updated monthly. Links Visitors of this section of the web-portal may find links to other journals with other web-portals dedicated to translation and interpretation, etc. *** This section shall be updated monthly. Contact Us Visitors of the web-portal will find in this section a direct link to the persons responsible for the different paragraphs and sections of the journal. CONTENT OF JOURNAL NUMBERS ENTRECULTURAS has the following sections: 1. Articles (in every journal number) 2. Monograph (every second journal number) 3. Review articles (in every journal number) 4. Interviews or reproductions of speeches (in every journal) 5. Reviews (in every journal number) The journal shall alternate every second journal number a journal number with a specific focus. Thus, as long as journal number 1 is structured in relation to the subject matter addressed in the articles referred to the Editorial Board, journal number 2 shall be earmarked in the MONOGRAPH thereof for the field of Terminology and its applications for Translation and Interpretation. The purpose of this Monograph is to pay tribute to the late Henri Zinglé (LILLA, Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis), master and pioneer in contemporary Terminology and Linguistic Engineering studies. THE QUALITY CONTROLS APPLIED TO ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED TO THE EDITORIAL BOARD 1. All articles or contributions (technical reports, reviews, etc.) will be submitted to an evaluation comprising: 1. An initial evaluation carried out by the members of the Editorial Board which shall aim at assessing whether the rules for submission stipulated for publication in ENTRECULTURAS have been complied with. 2. After this initial evaluation, original documents (articles) shall be referred to specialists in the field (Advisory Board) in accordance with the double-blind procedure to assess the content of articles. 3. If the evaluation is positive, contributions shall finally be typeset and published. 4. If the evaluation is partially positive, the author (or authors) shall be asked to amend elements considered for improvement. Contributions may finally be typeset and published once their deficiencies have been corrected. 5. If the contribution is negatively assessed, the author will be informed of the reason why it has been rejected. 2. The publications of accepted articles shall include the following information: 1. Title of the article 2. Name of the author (or authors) 3. Institution or occupation of the author (or authors) (in the case of translators or interpreters) 4. Date of receipt of original documents 5. Date of final acceptance for the original documents to be published 6. Abstract (resúmen) in Spanish 7. Keywords (palabras clave) in Spanish 8. Abstracts in English 9. Keywords in English 3. The publications of accepted technical reports shall include the following information: 1. Title of the technical report 2. Name of the author (or authors) 3. Date of receipt of original documents 4. Date of final acceptance for the original documents to be published 4. The publications of accepted reviews shall include the following information: 1. Date of receipt 2. Date of final acceptance for the original documents to be published 5. The publication of articles by members of the Editorial or Advisory Boards Like all the original documents received by the Editorial Board, the publication of articles by members of the Editorial or Advisory Boards will be subject to the double-blind procedure of evaluation by two members of the Advisory Board. In no instance shall articles drafted by members of the Editorial Board exceed 25% of articles published in each journal number. No limit is placed on how many articles may be included by members of the Journal Advisory Board. VIEWS EXPRESSED IN THE ARTICLES REFERRED FOR CONSIDERATION TO THE JOURNAL EDITORIAL BOARD The Editorial Board shall respect the open and competitive character of views in articles accepted for publication. In no case, however, shall it assume ownership of views expressed by authors of contributions published in the journal.

Posted by The Editors on 30th Mar 2009
in New Publications

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