Eye-to-IT Conference on Translation Processes, Sentence Processing, and the Bilingual Mental Lexicon

28-29 April, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

Call Deadline: 23-Jan-2009
Contact Person: Merete Borch
Meeting Email: mb.iadhcbs.dk
Web Site: http://www.cbs.dk/eyetoit

The EU FP6 Eye-to-IT project (2006-2009) has brought together psycholinguists, neurolinguists, eye-tracking specialists, EEG specialists, translation scholars and developers of translation tools. Jointly, they have explored the possibility of developing a research application for studying translation processes intensively and, in parallel with this, to develop a prototype gaze-based support tool for translators. Now that the project is nearing its end, we invite researchers with an interest in applying eye-tracking, keystroke logging and EEG to the study of translation processes, and to language processes more generally, to discuss the state of the art in the field. Plenary Speakers: We are very proud to announce that the following eminent speakers have all accepted to give plenary talks: Dr. Marcel Bastiaansen, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour , Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. (Neurolinguistics, Neurocognition of Language Comprehension, EEG) Dr. Cheryl Frenck-Mestre, Laboratoire Parole et Langage, Université Aix-Marseille, France. (Psycholinguistics, Sentence Processing, Bilingual Lexicon) Dr. Jukka Hyönä, Department of Psychology, University of Turku, Finland. (Eye Tracking and Reading) Dr. Anthony Pym, Intercultural Studies Group, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain. (Translation Research) Panel proposals - deadline: 23 January 2009 The organizing committee invites proposals for panels on the specific topics addressed in the conference. Panel proposals on e.g sentence processing, the bilingual lexicon, cognitive translation processes, eyetracking as a means of exploring both continuous and discontinuous reading (as in translation), eyetracking as a means of exploring comprehension processes and/or production processes, EEG as a means of exploring language processes. Panels will focus on a specific topic with a maximum of 5 x 20-minute papers plus half an hour for a concluding discussion. In their proposal, workshop organisers should briefly describe the panel topic and give the names, affiliation and e-mail addresses of presenters, as well as the abstracts of individual papers. Notification of acceptance/rejection of panel proposals: 9 February 2009 Abstract submission - deadline: 23 January 2009 We invite abstracts for paper (20-minute presentation + 10-minute discussion) and poster presentations in all the areas of eyetracking, keystroke logging and EEG applied to studying language processes or applied to developing language technological tools to support language users. Abstracts should be in English and should not exceed 500 words. Mail to mb.iadhcbs.dk. Notification of acceptance/rejection of abstracts/posters: 16 February 2009 The conference can accommodate a maximum of 70 participants. A conference webpage is at: [url=http://www.cbs.dk/eyetoit]www.cbs.dk/eyetoit[/url] Participation is expected to cost around 150 euro, including coffees and lunches. We hope to be able to sponsor participation fees for 10 or 12 PhD students. The conference web page will carry details of the venue, programme, registration, etc. Contact: mb.iadhcbs.dk Local Organising Committee: Merete Borch, Barbara Dragsted, Arnt Lykke Jakobsen Scientific Committee: Elena Andonova (University of Bremen), Arnt Lykke Jakobsen (Copenhagen Business School), Armina Janyan (New Bulgarian University), Christa Neuper (University of Graz), Kari-Jouko Räihä (University of Tampere), Antin Fougner Rydning (University of Oslo), Maxim Stamenov (New Bulgarian University).

Posted by The Editors on 25th Nov 2008
in Call for Papers

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