Global Languages, Local Cultures

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, March 26-29, 2009

American Comparative Literature Association
Annual Meeting - 2009

CFP - Seminar: Contesting Territorialities: World Literature, Translation Studies, Cultural Studies

[We welcome proposals in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese]

The study of literature has traditionally been attached to a
particular territoriality: a culture, a language, a tradition, a
school. Although comparative literature emerged as an alternative to
this traditional framework, with the goal of showing linkages and
transcultural relations between different literatures and even arts,
the scope of its study is still often restricted to national,
linguistic, or disciplinary boundaries.

This leads to reproducing conventional understandings of territory and to an increased sense of territoriality in a wide range of perspectives and conceptualizations. On the other hand, fields such as cultural studies and translation studies, and the notion of “world literature†, focus their inquiry at the intersection of often contesting territorialities: of nation, culture, language, genre, medium, and discipline. These fields, part of the scope of comparative literature, presuppose plurality and contact among territories, thereby creating the possibility for a radical questioning of this tradition. They make it possible to think language, and writing, in and through their intersections. This panel seeks to explore specific ways in which comparative literature, translation studies, and cultural studies, can question and challenge well-established literary territorialities. We welcome papers (in English, French, Spanish or Portuguese) dealing with this question and with literary practices across and beyond well- established constructed territories. Seminar Organizers: Marà a Constanza Guzmán ( and Alejandro Zamora ( Glendon College, York University Please send your paper submissions by November 1st through the ACLA website: [url=][/url]

Posted by The Editors on 19th Sep 2008
in Call for Papers

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