KATS International Conference on Translation and Globalization
Seoul 30-31 Oct 2009
The Korean Association of Translation Studies (KATS) International Conference on Translation and Globalization will be held on the campus of Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul, Republic of Korea from 30th to 31st of October 2009.
Call for Papers
In this era of cultural diversity and globalization, the role of translation has
become more visible and complex as a result of the intensification of linguistic
exchanges, the amplification of the demand for translation, and because of the
current status of English as the international lingua franca. The development of
the internet and web-based technologies along with the concomitant reduction in
the speed and cost of communication has profoundly transformed the significance
and practice of translation at local, national and international levels. These
changes are most clearly manifested in the mode in which translational activity
is carried out, the translating agents involved in the process and their
networks, the power relationships that exist between related languages, the
institutionalization of translational activity, the relationship between
translation policy and identity, and the cultural and social roles played by
translators and translations.
The international conference of the Korean Association of Translation Studies
aims at problematizing and exploring the consequences of the extraordinary
advances in communication technology and the resulting shifts in the
organization of economies and societies as these factors concern translators and
translations. By gathering scholars in translation studies under the theme of
''Translation and Globalization,'' the conference hopes to examine the
particular ways in which translation impacts globalization as well as how
globalization, in turn, shapes translation. The shifting role of translation as
a result of the increase in transnational movements and technological
development, coupled with communication that now occurs faster and at a lower
cost over greater stretches of space, has not only influenced translators'
activities and the process and product of translation but also the specific ways
in which translation impacts our thinking as it pertains to exchanges and
contacts between languages and cultures.
The conference is organized by the Korean Association of Translation Studies
(KATS), which celebrates its 10th anniversary in October of 2009. The KATS has
played a crucial role in the development of translation studies in Korea by
publishing a refereed journal four times a year and providing a forum to bring
its 500 members from different disciplinary backgrounds together to discuss
matters relating to translation.
The conference themes include, but are not necessarily limited to, the
following: the relationship among translation, globalization and popular culture
in terms of how translation may shape representations, recreate images, and
retrieve cultural identities; the impact of technological development on the
mode and process of mediation across crucial socio-cultural boundaries;
translation education and evaluation in the globalized era; the current status
of translation and translation studies in Asia; the link between translation and
the movement of texts across institutional borders; and the translation of the
bible and other religious texts.
The KATS conference organizing committee invites proposals for papers. The
proposals should not exceed 400 words and should include a title and a brief
biography of the presenter. Please send the proposal to the organizing committee
by email at kats09_seoulyahoo.com.
Keynote Speakers:
Mona Baker, University of Manchester, UK
Michael Cronin, Dublin City University, Ireland
Ernst-August Gutt, SIL International
Deadline for submission of proposals: October 31, 2008
Notification of acceptance: December 31, 2008
Early-bird registration: January 1-March 31, 2009
Posted by The Editors on 23rd May 2008
in Call for Papers