Staging Translated Plays:
Adaptation, Translation and Multimediality
Drama Studio, University of East Anglia
29 June-1 July 2007
Invited participants:
Professor David Johnston
Queen's University Belfast, and theatre translator
Laurence Boswell
Freelance director, and theatre translator
Professor Susan Bassnett
University of Warwick
The Gate Theatre, London
The conference focuses on the practice of staging translations and adaptations of all kinds of drama. We want to explore the links between translated texts and performance and open up a discussion on the (im?)possibility of defining the relationship between translated text and performance. We invite contributors to explore the ways in which translations are, or could be, staged and performed, and how the translated text is placed in performance practice, in the rehearsal room, in collaborative projects between playwrights, directors, translators, actors, and so on. Papers will be accompanied or intersected by a short performance of illustrative extracts, rehearsed readings or film or audio recordings of performances. Deadline for contribution: 31 January 2007
Organizing committee:
Roger Baines
University of East Anglia
Cristina Marinetti
Warwick University
Manuela Perteghella
London Metropolitan University
Topics will include:
1. The process of staging translations and adaptations
2. The process of writing translations and adaptations for the stage
3. The process of writing/producing/commissioning translations and adaptations for a specific theatre company or space
4. Collaboration between practitioners – translators, actors, directors…
5. The (im?)possibility of defining the relationship between text and performance
6. The relationship/interaction between critical theory and creative practice
7. Models of practice pedagogy and their resource implications
8. Methodologies for evaluating practice-based research
9. Research-based study via creative practice
Please send abstracts of around 300 words
or a short outline of your contribution by 31 January 2007 to
For queries about contributions, please contact
For queries about travel, accommodation and other practical information, please contact
The conference aims to foster debate between the academic community and the community of practitioners and so welcomes speakers from both these fields.
One of our interests is to interrogate the intersection/relationship between theory and practice, therefore contributions should be 50 minutes long (including performed extracts, rehearsed readings or the presentation of audiovisual material). Please note that performed elements need only be illustrative and small-scale.
We hope to be able to cover the costs of a number of practitioners via Arts Council funding and will make the relevant details available on the website in due course.
Posted by The Editors on 11th Dec 2006
in Conference Diary