Theory and Practice in Translation and Audivisual Translation of regionalized Voices

In the first international conference Translating Voices, Translating Regions, the debate enriched the understanding of many perspectives on translation of regionalized languages, whilst emphasizing that there is much more to research. New areas of research call for widening the scope of the debate, so as to incorporate areas such as the impact of the SL into the norms and syntax of the TL and the cultural impact of dominating languages on the languages of minorities or regional languages. This conference aims to explore the question of practices and theories in the translation of marginal voices, not only in traditional literature and in audiovisual translations, but also within sociolinguistic perspectives. The organisers welcome proposals that explore the major themes of the conference, and papers are invited on any of the following aspects of translation: • Audiovisual Translation Strategies: o Accessibility: subtitling, dubbing, voice over, and descriptive translation o Availability: subtitling, dubbing or hybrid forms? o Ideological choices of strategies: censorship and political choices • Translating into and from regionalized languages or languages of minorities o Ideological choices o Sociological impact o Policies of languages equality • Dubbing and rendering a dialect • Regionalised voices in translation Papers will be accepted in any of the official languages of the conference: English, Italian, Spanish, and French. The limit of languages is due to the centrality of dubbing (mostly from US English) in the French, Spanish, and Italian traditions, as well as for practical editorial reasons. Clearly, theoretical approaches fitting into the framework described above will be welcome from scholars and professionals researching other languages, as long as papers are offered in one of the four languages of the conference. ABSTRACTS MUST REACH THE CONVENOR BY 20 MARCH 2007 Abstracts, of not more than 300 words, should be sent via email, in .doc, .rtf, .pdf format only, to the convenor: Federico Federici, Abstracts in non-electronic format can be posted to: Federico Federici, Department of Italian, University of Durham, Room A55, Elvet Riverside, New Elvet, Durham DH1 3JT, United Kingdom. Information on professional/academic affiliation and the language in which the paper will be delivered must be provided with the abstract. It is expected to publish a refereed volume including a selection of topics discussed in the papers delivered at the conference. The deadline for providing the first draft of papers accepted at the conference and to be considered for publication will be 31 July 2007. Exact costs and details of how to register and book accommodation will be circulated in April 2007. It is expected that payment of registration fees will be accepted by cheque and credit card in pounds or euros. FOR UPDATED INFORMATION PLEASE CHECK THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF THE CONFERENCE: h t t p : / / w w w . d u r . a c . u k / m l a c / t r a n s l a t i n g v o i c e s

Posted by The Editors on 30th Nov 2006
in Call for Papers

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