Nida Institute Conference Papers (2), Rome 2008: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura. 212 pages, $45.00. ISBN: 978-88-8498-468-5
This collection of essays, selected from presentations made at a conference on “Translating with Computer-Assisted Technology” in Rome in 2004, reflects a variety of issues and applications. Contributions by S. Berneking, P. Bouffard, P. Caignon, O. Carbonell, P. Carbonell, S.S. Elliott, Y. Gambier, R. Hodgson, D. Jervolino, G. Nadiani, K. Wei Peng, S. Petrilli, A. Ponzio, P.A. Soukup, K. Stuart.
Together, however, they reflect a persistent effort to think critically about the intersection of translation and technology. The machine that occasion these musings is ever evolving and re-inventing itself. Its role as a partner in the translational process changes constantly even as it resists change; its identity, however, refuses to remain static. From stones to papyrus; from quills to typewriters; from hand-written journals to bound copy; from room-sized mainframes to flash drives—the machine has taken its place in the translational process. What constitutes technology? To what extent is technology a benefit or a hindrance to translation? What are its limitations? What is its potential? What is the nature of the machine’s relationship to both translation and the translator? How does translation, as both a product and a practice, change in and through interface with the machine? These and other provocative questions form an undercurrent running throughout these essays. Readers are invited to enter the conversation themselves and to consider the varied and complex ways in which technology has changed the face of translation.
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Posted by The Editors on 31st Jan 2009
in New Publications