The Interpreters’ Newsletter
Special Issue on Television Interpreting
to be published in December 2011
Francesco Straniero Sergio and Caterina Falbo
Television Interpreting (TI) is still a largely under-researched area, as compared both to other forms of
audiovisual translation, such as subtitling and dubbing and other institutional settings of what is known as
Dialogue Interpreting, such as health care, immigration services and courtroom interpreting. The aim of this
special issue on TI is to bring together the state-of-art research results. Our intention is to provide a place
where researchers, practitioners and broadcasters from diverse communities can present their different
perspectives in this field. The goal is to reach a better understanding of similarities/differences in this
particular form of interpreting. The editors invite contributions that address conceptual, theoretical,
methodological and practical issues of TI. Papers must be submitted in English or French and describe
original research which is neither published nor currently under review by other journals or conferences.
Submitted manuscripts will be subject to a process of peer review.
Topics of interest
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
● TI vs. Conference Interpreting and other interpreting activities
● Analyses of interpreter perfomance
● The creation of TI corpora
● Interpreting modalities (simultaneous, consecutive, hybrid forms) and media genres (talk shows,
news, media events, etc.)
● Monologue vs. dialogue formats in TI
● Interactional aspects of TI (the interpreter's mediation function, role and identity negotiation, the
relations between on-screen and off-screen participants, etc.)
● Interpreters as journalists and journalists as interpreters
● TI vs. news reporting, commentary and editing
● Television as an institutional employer of interpreters (market demand, number of languages,
recruitment policies, working conditions, code of ethics, etc.)
● The role of television in shaping the professional status of interpreters
● Quality assessment and users' expectations (including the broadcasters’ perspective)
Abstracts must be 350-500 words long and should be sent as Word attachments to the e-mail address (Subject: “ABSTRACT TI 2011”).
Important dates
Abstract submission: 15th September 2010
Notification of acceptance: 30th September 2010
Final version deadline: 15th May 2011
Publication: December 2011
Posted by The Editors on 29th Jul 2010
in Call for Papers