The Taboo Conference
TaCo2012 Forlì (Italy), 25-27 October 2012
Call for papers
In a world that seems continuously to be pushing the envelope of what is acceptable to the inhabitants of specific linguistic and cultural contexts, this interdisciplinary conference acknowledges the importance of investigating taboos and their reinforcement/breaking in various areas of language, culture and society, and across different cultures.
We propose to explore the delicate balance and subtle boundaries between the need for inclusion and respect for different ethnic, religious, sexual, etc. backgrounds – which seems to be at the basis of modern multicultural societies – and a (un)conscious push towards the breaking of existing taboos, for example for shock value, as in the case of humour. In such context, investigation of the linguistic, cultural, social, institutional and personal implications of taboo reinforcement/breaking appears of extreme value.
We welcome individual proposals or pre-organized panels from different disciplines pertaining – but by no means limited – to the following thematic areas:
Sex and sexuality
Death and the afterlife
Sickness and disability
Scatology/bodily fluids
Altered states/drug culture
Body modifications
Keynote speakers include:
Christie Davies – University of Reading
Don Kulick – University of Chicago
Brett Mills – University of East Anglia
Jessica Milner Davis – University of Sydney
The working language for the conference is English. Each paper presentation should be scheduled for 20 minutes followed by 10 minutes for questions.
Abstracts should be submitted through the conference website [url=][/url] by 15th February 2012. If you are interested in submitting a panel, please contact us by the same deadline at
Notification of acceptance for both abstracts and panels will be given by 15th March 2012.
Posted by The Editors on 15th Dec 2011
in Call for Papers