The Translation Studies and Its Contexts 4

Volume of Papers

In 2011 we shall prepare (in cooperation with University of Wroclaw) another edition of the translation studies volume of papers entitled The Translation Studies and Its Contexts. The first volume was published in 2003, the second in 2007, and the third in 2009.
We would like to offer to Slovak and foreign scholars and professionals an opportunity of publishing their papers in foreign languages and in Slovak.

The main objective is to publish the current results of the Slovak and international research in the field of the translation studies and to determine the subjects of transcultural aspects of the language mediation with the emphasis on inter-branch relations which prove to have a considerable knowledge potential. Hence we plan to subsume the papers from at least three aspects: linguistic context and relations, literary criticism relations and immanent (translation studies) context. The equal space and share will be given to the theoretical issues of the translation studies and to the theory, methodology and practice of translation and interpreting. Your paper can be sent in the language of your research, study and choice with an abstract (of 150 words) in English under the title of your paper in English. The editors of the fourth edition: Dr. Zuzana Bohušová, Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica / Slovakia Dr. Anita Huťková, Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica / Slovakia Dr. Joanna Szczek, University of Wroclaw / Poland Dr. Anna Malgorzewicz, University of Wroclaw / Poland Please send your papers by e-mail in an attachment to or by 30th Nov 2010. The extent of the papers: 15 pages (about 1 600 characters without spaces), font size 12, typed in block, without word division. The bibliography should be written in the following form: HOHEISEL, Reinhard. 2002. Dolmetsch- und Übersetzungsleistungen in der Europäischen Union. In: Best, Joanna – Kalina, Sylvia (eds.): Übersetzen und Dolmetschen. Tübingen, Basel: Francke. 249-159. We are looking forward to your contributions related to the Slovak and international translation studies questions.

Posted by The Editors on 21st Sep 2010
in Call for Papers

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