XV International Conference on Translation and Applied Linguistics

Language and Translation Teaching in face-to-face and distance learning

7th -8th April, 2011
University of Vic, Vic, Catalonia, SPAIN.

The GREALT (Research group in teaching and learning languages and translation) is pleased to announce the XV International Conference on Translation and Applied Linguistics held at the University of Vic from the Thursday 7th to Friday 8th April, 2011. From the perspective of learner autonomy and interaction, this year's theme aims to extend the methodological debate initiated during the 2003 conference "Interfaces: Bringing foreign language teaching and translation closer together". Priority will be given to proposals within the following five thematic areas: - Syllabus design and assessment: competencies, tutorials and the use of portfolios - Collaborative learning and digital tools: WEB 2.0, social networks, shared knowledge - Transversal and Integrated Skills: translation as a tool in the language classroom, an intergrated approach to languages, CLIL - Challenges in distance teaching of languages: oral skills, task sequencing, scaffolding - Computer assisted translation Proposals should not exceed 500 words (figures and references apart) and should be submitted to the conference page jornades_trad@uvic.cat before the 14th January , 2011. Languages: English, Catalan and Spanish. Successful applicants will be informed after 28th February 2011 and guidelines will be provided for those wishing to publish a version of their paper in the conference proceedings on CD ROM. Invited speakers: - Terry Lamb (University of Sheffield) - Oscar Diaz Fouces (Universidad de Vigo) - Joan Tomàs Pujolà (Universitat de Barcelona) - Maire-Noëlle Lamy (Open University) Scientific Committee - Olga Esteve (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) - Maria González Davies (Universitat Ramon Llull) - Hanna Torp (Tampere University of Applied Sciences) . - Olga Torres (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) - Mia Victori (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) - Llorenç Comajoan (Universitat de Vic) - Lucrecia Keim (Universitat de Vic) - Marcos Cánovas (Universitat de Vic) - Àngels Pinyana (Universitat de Vic) - Gemma Delgar (Universitat de Vic) - Sarah Khan (Universitat de Vic) Important dates - Submissions deadline: 14th January 2011 - Acceptance notification: 28th February 2011 - Registration: until 8th April 2011 - Conference dates: 7th -8th April 2011 - Submission of full text for proceedings: 8th April

Posted by The Editors on 20th Oct 2010
in Conference Diary

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