Citizen Media

New Mediations of Civic Engagement

A two-day colloqium organised by the Division of Languages and Intercultural Studies - School of Arts, Languages and Cultures, University of Manchester. 13-14 June 2013, Manchester Conference Centre

Webiste: [url=][/url]

Thursday 13 June

8.15-9.15   Registration and refreshments

9.15-9.30   Welcome address

Stephen Hutchings, Research Director, School of Arts, Languages and Cultures

Matthew Philpotts, Head of the Division of Languages and Intercultural Studies

9.30-10.45   Plenary I

Stuart Allan, Bournemouth University, UK

The Cultural Politics of Citizen Witnessing

Chair: Matthew Philpotts, University of Manchester

10.45-11.30  Guest Presentation

Stephen Ennis, BBC Monitoring

Online Activism and Russia’s Big Society

Chair: Stephen Hutchings, University of Manchester, UK

11.30-12.00  Coffee Break

12.00-13.30  Panel I: Critiquing and Harnessing the Power of Social Media

Adi Kuntsman, University of Manchester, UK

Digital Horizons of Violent Citizenship

Zoetanya Sujon, Regent’s University London, UK

Erasing the Citizen: Facebook and the “Monetization” of Social Relations

Jenny Hughes and Simon Parry, University of Manchester, UK

Activist Performance: Gestural Notes

Chair: Bolette Blaagard, Aalborg University, Denmark

13.00-14.30  Lunch

14.30-15.45  Plenary 2

Lilie Chouliaraki, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK

Title and abstract will be available shortly

Chair: Luis Pérez-González, University of Manchester, UK

15.45-17.15  Panel II: Citizen Media and Civic Engagement

Adam Fish, Lancaster University, UK

Proformations: The Network Activism of American Television Producers, Media Reformers, and Free Software Geeks

Marina Morani, Caridff University, UK

Digital Media and New Citizens – Challenges of Second-generation Immigrants in Italy

Lingjuan Fan, University of Manchester, UK

‘Nut Cake’ Carnival on China’s Social Media

Chair: Mona Baker, University of Manchester, UK

17.15             Tea, coffee and cake

Friday 14 June
9.00-10.15   Plenary 3

Bolette Blaagaard, Aalborg University, Denmark

Post-human Images: Visual Citizen Media and the Ethics of Relation

Chair:  Rebecca Tipton, University of Manchester, UK

10.15-11.15  Panel III: Interrogating and Negotiating Boundaries

Karen Cross, University of Roehampton, UK

The Witnessing Amateur: Memory Formation in Citizen Journalism

Kenzie Burchell, University of Manchester, UK

Meta-communication and Citizen Voices in Everyday Networked Practices

Chair: Stuart Allan, Bournemouth University, UK

11.15-11.45  Coffee Break

11.45-13.15  Panel IV: Common Aims and Shared Platforms

Hilde Stephansen for Nick Couldry, Wilma Clark, Aristea Fotopoulou, Richard MacDonald & Hilde Stephansen, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK

Digital Citizenship, Narrative Exchange and the Changing Terms of Civic Culture

James Thompson, University of Manchester, UK

Performance in Place of War

Tom Trewinnard, Meedan

Citizen Media and Translation

Chair: Kenzie Burchell, University of Manchester

13.15-14.15  Lunch

14.15-15.45  Plenary 4

Ivan Sigal, Global Voices

Joining Forces: Citizen Media and Social Movements

Chair: James Thompson, University of Manchester, UK

15.45-16.45  Panel V: Mediating Civic Engagement

Annarita Taronna, University of Bari, Italy

Constructing Communities of Citizen Translators through Global Voices

Christina Delistathi, Brunel University, UK

Activist Subtitlers and the Greek Crisis

Chair: Francesca Billiani, University of Manchester, UK

16.45-17.00  Closing address

Mona Baker, Division of Languages & Intercultural Studies, University of Manchester, UK

17.00   Tea, coffee and cake

Registration Fees (to include lunch and refreshments on 13 & 14 June)
Full registration: £50
Student registration: £30

Posted by The Editors on 28th May 2013
in Conference Diary

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