Community Interpreting in Dialogue with Technology

20-21 November 2015, Berlin

InDialog REMINDER: Call for Proposals closing in 8 days

Renowned experts and young talents in the Community Interpreting field will be discussing trends and solutions under the overall theme of COMMUNITY INTERPRETING IN DIALOGUE WITH TECHNOLOGY.

Do you want to keep them company in a conference programme that is sure to inspire? Take action and submit your proposal until 26 May 2015!


The suggested themes include:

Dealing with growing multilingualism and geographical distances
Community interpreting training and evaluation in different contexts
The possibilities and limitations of distance learning, virtual worlds and avatars
Best practices and quality monitoring in practice, training and research
Community interpreting in national and international conflict situations
Community interpreting logistics and management
Community interpreting research methodology, data collection and analysis
Research in response to Directive 2011/24/EU on the application of patients' rights in cross-border healthcare
New and hybrid forms of community interpreting
Supervision and psychological support for community interpreters
Tools for community interpreters

If you feel rather like participating than contributing as a speaker, please register as delegate!

One-day Pass: 165 EUR / Two-day Pass: 295 EUR

Supporting Organisation
One-day Pass: 150 EUR / Two-day Pass: 280 EUR

Posted by The Editors on 20th May 2015
in Call for Papers

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