Dragoman Journal of Translation Studies

Special Issue on Interpreting Studies

Dragoman is an annual international peer-reviewed digital journal published by Arabic Translators International.
Important deadlines:
• Submission of full papers: 1 July 2015
• Notification of acceptance: 30November2015
• Date of publication: January 2016

Journal of Translation Studies
An international Class A academic refereed journal
ISSN:  2295-1210

Dragoman is an annual international peer-reviewed digital journal published by Arabic Translators International, (ATI: [url=http://www.atinternational.org]http://www.atinternational.org[/url]), an international association established in 2004according to the Belgian Law. Dragomanpublisheshigh-quality original research articles in the fields of Translation Studies (practical & applied), Linguistics, (theoretical & applied), Terminology Studies and Cultural Studies.  

Articles submitted for publication may be written in either Arabic or English. All articles go through a double-blind peer-reviewing process.Authors are responsible for ensuring that the article itself does not contain references which might reveal their identity to reviewers.

Each article should include an abstract, five keywords, a brief biosketch of author’s, and a correct e-mail address. Arabic Abstracts must have English translations as well.

Types of Submissions:

Issue on Interpreting Studies:

• Original Research Articles: original research in the field of Interpreting Studies
• Reviews: reviews include critiques of published articles or texts related to the areas of relevance to Interpreting Studies
• Course-related Research Papers: these submissions are papers prepared as a course requirement for interpreting training that reflect excellence in content, presentation and research.

We are particularly interested in topic areas including, but not necessarily confined to:

• conference interpreting (fundamental research and applied research)
• community interpreting (including medical, legal and Public Services Interpreting – fundamental and applied research)
•  Sign Language (SL) interpreting
•  professionalization and institutionalization of community interpreting (mainly quality control and certification)
•  training in the above mentioned types of interpreting
•  assessment and admission in interpreting


Important deadlines:
• Submission of full papers: 1 July 2015
• Notification of acceptance: 30November2015
• Date of publication: January 2016

The format of the abstract and the full paper has to conform with the APA Style Guide (latest Edition). Please refer to the following urls:

Example of an APA-formatted Abstract

line spacing: 1.5

For Arabic words/texts used within an English text, use:
Font Size 14, Traditional Arabic.

For Arabic Submissions:
Font Size16, Regular, Traditional Arabic,
For Arabicfootnotes/endnotes: size 14.
Please send your articles to: info@atinternational.org

If illustrations are to be included, the author is responsible for reproduction-quality copies (in digital form) and for ensuring that copyright is obtained.

Please, have the submission read by a native speaker if it is not written in your first language.

We look forward to receiving your scholarly contributions.

Best Regards,
Arabic Translators International (ATI)

Director: Dr. Ahmed Al-Laithy
Editorial Board:ZouheirSoukah and Jameela Hassan.
International Advisory Board(in first name alphabetical order):
Prof. dr. Abdelmajeed Al Obeidi (University Umm Al Qura);
Prof. dr. Basil Hatim (American University of Sharjah);
Prof. dr.FaruqMawasi (Al-Qasemi Academy);
Prof. dr. Heidi Salaets(University of Leuven).
Prof. dr. Luc Van Doorslaer (University of Leuven).
Prof. dr. Mohammed Benhaddou (King Fahd School for Translation in Tangiers);
Dr. Mohammed Didaoui (Geneva).
Prof. dr. Ronak Husni (American University of Sharjah);
Prof. dr. Said Faiq (American University of Sharjah);
Prof. dr.WafaKamelFayed (University of Cairo).


إنمجلةDragoman هيمجلة دولية رقمية محكمة تعنى بقضايا علوم اللغة النظرية والتطبيقية، ودراسات الترجمة والمصطلح وحوار الحضارات. وتصدر المجلة مرة واحدة في السنة عن الجمعية الدولية لمترجمي العربية بالتعاون مع دار النشر الأكاديمية البلجيكية (غارانت -Garant ).
للنشر في المجلة يرجى الرجوع للتفاصيل في النسخة الإنجليزية.
لغات النشر في المجلة: العربية والإنكليزية.
المدير المسؤول: د. أحمد الليثي.
هيئة التحرير: أ. زهير سوكاح، أ. جميلة حسن.
اللجنة العلمية: (مرتبة أبجديًّا):
أ.د. باسل حاتم (الجامعة الأمريكية في الشارقة)؛
أ.د. روناك حسني (الجامعة الأمريكية في الشارقة)؛
أ.د. سعيد فايق (الجامعة الأمريكية في الشارقة)؛
أ.د. عبدالمجيد العبيدي (جامعة أم القرى)؛
أ.د. فاروق مواسي (أكاديمية القاسمي)؛
أ.د. لوك ڤان دورسلار (جامعة لوفان– بلجيكا).
أ.د. محمد بن حدو (مدرسة الملك فهد العليا للترجمة)؛
د. محمد ديداوي (باحث في الترجمة - جنيف)؛
أ.د. هايدي سالاتس(جامعة لوفان– بلجيكا).
أ.د. وفاء كامل فايد (جامعة القاهرة).

ترسل المقالات إلى بريد الجمعية الإلكتروني: info@atinternational.org.
(تعبر المقالات المنشورة في المجلة عن آراء أصحابها).
رقم الإيداع الدولي:  2295-1210

Posted by The Editors on 16th Feb 2015
in Call for Papers

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