I Hermeneus Conference
Corpus-based Translation and Interpreting Studies
Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación de Soria (Universidad de Valladolid), 26 y 27de marzo de 2014.
Project Hermeneus is inaugurating a series of conferences of a scientific nature centered on corpus based translation and interpreting studies. The goal of the initial conference is to unite specialists from Spanish universities and from institutions worldwide who have been working toward significant advances during the last few years in the design, compilation and accessibility of corpora and other linguistic resources and in the technological advances necessary to access and exploit these resources. [See complete presentation of the conference.]
Paper proposals (20’) or posters in the following thematic areas (although not exclusive to) will be welcome / bienvenidas / bienvenues / willkommen / bem-vindas [see complete description of the areas]:
1. The descriptive branch of corpus-based Translation Studies.
2. The applied branch of corpus-based Translation Studies.
3. Corpus and contrastive, descriptive or applied studies.
4. Corpus-based interpreting studies.
5. Designing maps: the panorama of corpus-based Translation Studies in specific linguistic or cultural areas.
6. Corpora as a connection between disciplines and between the academic world and the professional.
7. Proposals for the dissemination of research results in corpus-based Translation and Interpreting Studies
Official languages of papers and posters
Miriam Seghiri Domínguez (University of Málaga) has confirmed her participation as moderator of the Round Table “On site: From the compilation project from corpus to corpus ad-hoc: Processes of compilation and possibilities of work with corpora in research at different levels of complexity.” Josep Marco Borillo (University Jaume I), Gloria Corpas Pastor (University of Málaga), and Sara Laviosa (University degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro IT) have accepted as invited guest speakers [See confirmed titles].
The publication of an electronic multimedia book of selected papers from the conference is planned, as well as a selection of papers in a traditional format. Registration includes a copy of the multimedia book.
The deadline for proposals, which may be made through the web registration form, is 30 November 2013. The requirements are specified on the registration form page.
Acceptance of proposals will be notified beginning on 16 December 2013. Registration will be from 30 November 2013 through 10 March 2014.
Before 15 February
From 16 February to 10 March
University of Valladolid participant
All other participants
University of Valladolid attendees
All other attendees
A guided tour of Soria and a conference dinner will be held on the 26th March (25-35€). If you would like to attend the dinner, please fulfill the registration form.
Further information about the venue and accommodation is available here.
Scientific committee
Ignacio Ahumada (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas), Alberto Álvarez Lugrís (Universidade de Vigo), Anabel Borja Albì (Universitat Jaume
I), Jenny Brumme (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Antonio Bueno García (Universidad de Valladolid), María Teresa Cabré Castellví (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Purificación Fernández Nistal (Universidad de Valladolid), Isabel García Izquierdo (Universitat Jaume I), Gloria Corpas Pastor (Universidad de Málaga), Sylvia Hansen-Schirra (Universität Mainz, Germesheim), Sara Laviosa (Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro), Marie Claude L’Homme (University of Montreal), Josep Marco Borillo (Univesitat Jaume I), Jeremy Munday (The University of Leeds), Maeve Olohan (The University of Manchester), Ulrike Oster (Universitat Jaume I), Rosa Rabadán (Universidad de León), Miriam Seghiri Domínguez (Universidad de Málaga), Carsten Sinner (Universität Leipzig), Maribel Tercedor (Universidad de Granada), Jorge Vivaldi Palatresi (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Kim Wallmach (Wits University, South Africa), Federico Zanettin (Università degli Studi di Perugia)
Organizing committee
María Teresa Sánchez, Susana Álvarez, Verónica Arnáiz, Teresa Ortego, Rosa Fernández, Leticia Santamaría. With the collaboration of the Editorial Committee of Hermeneus.
Queries may be made at coloquio.hermeneus.trad@uva.es or through the web registration form on the web site of the conference.
The text of the first call for papers is also available .
Posted by The Editors on 5th Nov 2013
in Call for Papers