Interpreter-mediated interactions: Methodologies and models - A tribute to Miriam Shlesinger
LUSPIO, 7-9 November 2013 Libera Università degli Studi Per l'Innovazione e le Organizzazioni (LUSPIO). Rome, Italy
LARIM (Laboratorio di Ricerca sulle Interazioni Mediate dall’Interprete) is a research group on interpreter-mediated interactions set up in October 2012 within the Faculty of Interpreting and Translation (FIT), LUSPIO University in Rome. The main focus of the research group is to promote descriptive studies based on fieldwork and authentic empirical data, with a scientifically sound theoretical and methodological basis.
The research group has the pleasure of announcing the International Conference Interpreter-mediated Interactions: Methodologies and models, 7-9 November 2013 at LUSPIO University, Rome, in memory of Professor Miriam Shlesinger.
Professor Shlesinger was one of the most prolific scholars in Interpreting Studies. Her work ranged from research on cognitive processes in simultaneous interpreting (particularly on attention and working memory), court interpreting, corpus-based interpreting studies, community interpreting, sign language interpreting, translators and interpreters' self-perceived roles and the teaching of interpreting. One of the last projects she took part in was IVY - Interpreting in Virtual Reality, an EU-funded project that explored the applicability of 3-D virtual reality technology to the teaching of interpreting. Professor Shlesinger was forever forward-looking, promoting research activities internationally. Her opus stands as a model to interpreting scholars the world over. When she prematurely passed away, the newly-constituted LARIM research group decided to organise its first conference in her memory.
The first LARIM conference attempts to go beyond the well-known dichotomies that have emerged over the years in Interpreting Studies (prescriptive vs. descriptive models, qualitative vs. quantitative, process vs. product), to refine existing models and increase our knowledge of situated socio-cultural practices. The conference aims to provide a forum for discussing interdisciplinary approaches to research on interpreter-mediated interactions. We particularly welcome abstracts that address the following topics:
1) approaches exploring interpreting as a dialogic and interactional process;
2) methodological questions related to fieldwork, data collection and selection, corpus building and classification;
3) professional and ethical implications of the analysis of translational processes and situated practices.
Contributions based on authentic data collected in a variety of contexts (conference, court, healthcare, pedagogical, inter alia) are sought from analysts who adopt varied tools and approaches including, but not restricted to, the following:
- Conversation Analysis
- Critical Discourse Analysis
- Corpus-based studies
- Sociological approaches
- Pragmatic approaches
Key dates
Proposals for 20-minute papers should be submitted to by 15 April 2013.
The Scientific Committee will evaluate submissions and reply by 15 May 2013.
For further details, please visit [url=][/url]
Abstract submission guidelines
Abstracts of approximately 300 words should be sent as doc, .docx (MS Word 2003 or 2007) or .txt files. They should be structured as follows:
1. Presenter's name and affiliation
2. Short bio
3. Title
4. 4-5 keywords
5. Research area and focus
6. Research methodology and objectives
7. Brief summary
8. Short key bibliography
Please note that points 1, 2, and 8 are not included in the word count.
Conference languages
The official languages of the conference are English and Italian. Simultaneous interpreting (English > Italian; Italian > English) will be offered by FIT volunteer student interpreters.
A selection of conference papers will be published in a volume in memory of Miriam Shlesinger.
Scientific Committee
Sara Bani, University of Catania
Claudio Bendazzoli, University of Turin
Marta Biagini, LUSPIO and University of Macerata
Michael Boyd, LUSPIO and Roma Tre University
Elena Davitti, LUSPIO and University of Manchester
Yves Gambier, University of Turku
Laura Gavioli, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Daniel Gile, ESIT, University of Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle
Claudia Monacelli, LUSPIO
Annalisa Sandrelli, LUSPIO
For more information, please contact Elena Davitti at
Posted by The Editors on 10th Mar 2013
in Call for Papers