New Horizons in Translation Technology

25 April 2015 - The Chinese University of Hong Kong

The MACAT Programme is pleased to announce the holding of an international conference on “New Horizons in Translation Technology”, which will take place at The Chinese University of Hong Kong on 25 April 2015. This conference focuses on two main areas: New Frontiers in the Research on Translation Technology and New Frontiers in Translation Software Development.

Submission of Abstracts

We invite translation scholars and software developers to submit 200-word abstracts for papers addressing the topics of the conference. Themes to be explored by contributors may include but are not restricted to the following:

·       new research findings in translation technology;

·       new systems in the industry;

·       new developments in different regions and countries; and
·       new frontiers in translation technology.

Abstracts should be sent to Professor Chan Sin-wai, Chairman of the Conference Committee.

By email:

By fax: (852) 3942-0988

By post: Room 109, Department of Translation

Leung Kau Kui Building

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong

Please include the following information in your abstract submission:

·       Full Name
·       Position
·       Name of Institution
·       Mailing Address
·       Email Address
·       Telephone
·       Title of Paper

The deadline for receipt of abstracts is 15 February 2015.


Please note that the language of the abstracts must be English, and authors whose papers have been accepted will be notified by 28 February 2015, and asked to submit their full papers by 15 March 2015.


For conference speakers (excluding keynote and invited speakers), a registration fee of HK$ 1,000 payable to “The Chinese University of Hong Kong” is required.



For further information, please contact Sara Roman ( or Florence Li (

For more details, please visit the conference website:


Organizing Committee

Conference on New Horizons in Translation Technology

Master of Arts in Computer-aided Translation Programme

Department of Translation

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Posted by The Editors on 16th Jan 2015
in Call for Papers

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