New Voices in Translation Studies 9 (2013)
IATIS, the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies, is pleased to announce the online publication of the ninth issue of New Voices in Translation Studies, which is the result of the continued collaboration with the International Postgraduate Conference in Translation and Interpreting (IPCITI).
New Voices 9 largely consists of the selected conference proceedings from IPCITI 7 held at the University of Edinburgh in October 2011. In total, the issue consists of five articles by young researchers and thirteen abstracts of recently submitted Ph.D. theses.
New Voices in Translation Studies is a refereed electronic journal co-sponsored by IATIS and the Centre for Translation and Textual Studies (CTTS) at Dublin City University. The aim of the journal is to disseminate high quality original work by early career researchers in Translation Studies to a wide audience. Please format submissions according to the guidelines on our website and send to
The free, open-access journal is available through the IATIS website,
Editors: Geraldine Brodie, Elena Davitti, Sue-Ann Harding and Dorothea Martens
IPCITI Editors: Varvara Christie, Mara Götz, Elisabeth Möckli, Cristina Olivari and Elena Sanz Ortega
Posted by The Editors on 14th Jun 2013
in New Publications