Non Professional Interpreting andTranslation (NPIT2)

International Conference, Mainz University, Department for Intercultural Communication and Cultural Studies Germersheim, May 29/31, 2014

Within the field of interpreting and translation studies, non-professional interpreting and translation has always been under appreciated, neglected and under-researched by academia and has never been associated with other respected professional categories. Nonetheless, it remains and will continue to be the most widespread form of translational action. Such an action occurs when an individual translates or interprets without receiving pay. “Non-professional”, however, does not necessarily mean that the quality of translation is of insufficient quality or that the skills of a non-professional translator and interpreter are inadequate.

In an attempt to keep this issue relevant, which was initially brought into motion during the First International Conference on Non-Professional Interpreting and Translation (NPIT1) at the University of Bologna/Forlì in 2012, NPIT2 aims to provide a forum for researchers and students to share information, perspectives and experiences concerning non-professional interpreting and translation. Furthermore, this forum serves to expand the theoretical, methodological, ethical and disciplinary approaches related to this form of linguistic and cultural mediation.

Therefore, we invite proposals for presentations on any theoretical, empirical and methodological aspect of research related to this conference theme.

For all proposals, the conference language will be English.

Three categories of proposals will be considered: (i) individual presentations, (ii) panels, and (iii) posters.

Topics may include but are not limited to:

Ad hoc translation/interpreting
Adult/Child language brokering (oral and/or written), Family interpreting
Literacy brokering
Brokering between deaf adult signers and hearing groups
Non-professional, church/religious interpreting and translation
Non-professional media interpreting and translation (fansubbing, fandubbing, fanfiction)
Non-professional interpreting and/or translation in the field of: War and Conflicts, NGOs, Asylum seeking, Health care, Community and social care , etc.
Interdisciplinary approaches to the study of Non-professional Interpreting and Translation

Proposals for individual papers or posters

Each paper presentation will be scheduled for 20 minutes plus 10 minutes discussion. Posters will be given extra time during a two-hour poster session. For individual presentations and posters, a 300-word abstract (plus references) should be sent to the NPIT2-organisers ( by October 31, 2013. Abstracts will be double blind peer-reviewed and evaluated anonymously by the NPIT Advisory Board and Local Organisers. All contributions will be assessed on the basis of their relevance to the conference theme as well as their theoretical background and research design.

Proposals for panels

Panels make up a collection of up to four paper presentations given within a, 120-minute timeframe and cover one of the particular topics listed above. Panels will be reviewed en bloc and based on the abstracts provided by the panel organizers.
Panel organisers are required to submit the following by e-mail (

A general overview abstract (500 words including examples and references) describing the whole panel. This should also include:
     o A list of invited contributors and/or discussants (name, affiliation, email address);
     o A maximum of 8 keywords covering the subject, methodology and theoretical framework(s);
     o All individual abstracts (300 words including references).

Moreover, panel organisers are also required to:
     o Chair their panel;
     o Ensure that all speakers register for the NPIT2 by the deadline for speaker registration (April 15, 2014).

Important dates

Deadline for submission (panels, individual papers and posters): October 31, 2013
Notification of acceptance: November 30, 2013
Deadline for speaker registration: April 15, 2014

Conference Chair: Bernd Meyer, Contact:

NPIT2 website: [url=][/url]

Advisory Board for NPIT2: Claudia Angelelli (USA); Philipp Sebastian Angermeyer (Canada); Christine Anthonissen (South Africa); Rachele Antonini (Italy); Claudio Baraldi (Italy); Kristin Bührig (Germany); Marjorie Faulstich Orellana (USA); Laura Gavioli (Italy); Juliane House (Germany); Pekka Kujamäki (Finland); Sonja Pöllabauer (Austria); Jonathan Ross (Turkey); Jan D. ten Thije (the Netherlands); Veronique Traverso (France)

Posted by The Editors on 20th Sep 2013
in Call for Papers

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