Polish-Irish Issues in Translation and Interpreting

Call for Papers for a Special Issue of Translation Ireland

Guest editor: Robert Looby, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland
General editor: John Kearns, Irish Translators’ and Interpreters’ Association

Call for Papers

According to the 2011 census, 119,526 people in Ireland speak Polish at home (of whom 5,541 are Irish ...citizens), making Polish the second most spoken language in Ireland from day to day. Nevertheless, while the rapid growth in the number of Poles living in Ireland is a feature of the past decade, there is a much longer history of the translation of Irish literature by Poles, of Polish literature by Irish people, and more generally of intercultural exchange between these two nations who share so much in terms of history and sociology.

The next issue of Translation Ireland (19:2) will address translation and interpreting issues relating to the Polish and Irish contexts. Possible topics for articles might include:
* the translation of Irish literature (in English or Irish) into Polish
* the translation of Polish into English or Irish
* issues in Polish community interpreting in the Irish context
* the training of Polish translation / interpreting in Ireland
* new technologies and their impact on Polish / Irish translation and interpreting.

Articles may be written in English or Irish, may be up to 5,000 words in length and should adhere to the journal’s style guidelines, available at [url=http://tinyurl.com/kwjr77g]http://tinyurl.com/kwjr77g[/url] .

The deadline for submission of articles is September 1st 2013 and authors will be informed by September 10th about whether their submission will be included. Articles or enquiries should be submitted by email to:
Dr Robert Looby (Guest editor): robjam@kul.lublin.pl
Dr John Kearns (General editor): kearns@pro.onet.pl

Posted by The Editors on 14th Jun 2013
in Call for Papers

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