Translation and Interpreting as a Set of Frames:

Ideology, Power, Discourse, Identity & Representation

A call for papers for a new volume in the Routledge Studies in Language and Identity series to be edited by Ali Almanna and Chonglong Gu


Translation and interpreting can be conceptualised as a set of frames, where different versions of fact, truth and reality are reflected, enacted, mediated, (re)constructed, (re)framed, (re)narrated and even manipulated and contested in the process. Notably, as major agents in the interlingual and intercultural communication process, translators and interpreters are often not ideologically neutral but might mediate in the process and effect change possibly on a greater scale regionally and globally (given the increasingly interconnected and mediatised world we are living in in the 21st century). This points to the great relevance and imperative to conceptualise the translation and interpreting product as essentially a kind of discourse and look at translation and interpreting as a mediated activity that is closely related with issues of ideology, power, agency, identity and representation, beyond the traditional source text-oriented lenses that for example focus on ‘equivalence’ or ‘accuracy’ merely on a linguistic level. This eclectic volume aims to address the topic relating to ideology, power, discourse, identity and representation and welcomes submissions involving different language combinations and from a wide range of sociopolitical, cultural and institutional contexts. Potential submissions can be from various theoretical perspectives and draw on different methodological approaches.


We are pleased to invite translation scholars and researchers worldwide to contribute research papers to an edited volume, titled Translation and Interpreting as a Set of Frames: Ideology, Power, Discourse, Identity & Representation.

The proposed volume, which has been accepted by Routledge, will be considered for publication as an edited book in 'Routledge Studies in Language and Identity'.

Interested contributors are requested to submit to the volume editors

Ali Almanna:
Chonglong Gu:

The initial abstract submission should include the article title, abstract and brief bio sketch of the author(s) (31st December 2019 the latest). Once the abstract is accepted by the editors, the first draft of the chapter (approx. 7000 words) should be due by 1st April 2020. These chapters will be then peer-reviewed before submitting to the publisher.


Ali Almanna has a PhD in Translation Studies from Durham University (UK) and MA in Linguistics and Translation from Westminster University (UK). Currently, he is HOD of English Language and Literature, Al-Zahra College for Women where he teaches Linguistics and Translation. His recent publications include The Routledge Course in Translation Annotation (Routledge), Semantics for Translation Students (Peter Lang), The Nuts and Bolts of Arabic-English Translation (Cambridge Scholars Publishing), and The Arabic-English Translator as Photographer (Routledge).

Chonglong Gu is lecturer in Chinese Translation Studies and programme director of MA in Chinese-English Translation and Interpreting at the University of Liverpool. Chonglong holds an MA in Conference Interpreting and Translation Studies (Leeds University) and a PhD in Interpreting Studies (Manchester University). He has experience teaching conference interpreting and translation in China and the UK at a HE level in various capacities (e.g. Manchester, Leicester, Westminster and London Metropolitan). His recent academic writings have appeared in Target, The Translator, Perspectives, Discourse, Context and Media, Critical Discourse Studies, Translation and Interpreting Studies and various book chapters.

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Posted by The Editors on 27th Nov 2019
in Call for Papers

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