Translating Voices

14-15 September 2007

In the first international conference Translating Voices, Translating Regions, the debate enriched the understanding of many perspectives on translation of regionalized languages, whilst emphasizing that there is much more to research. New areas of research call for widening the scope of the debate, so as to incorporate areas such as the impact of the SL into the norms and syntax of the TL and the cultural impact of dominating languages on the languages of minorities or regional languages.

Published in: Call for Papers

Two Canadian Classics, Bonheur d’occasion and Two Solitudes

Taking the Measure of the Intercultural Passage

The Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies and the Canadian Centre for German and European Studies, York University (Toronto, Canada) in partnership with the Centre d’études canadiennes, Université de Rouen and Identités culturelles, textes et théâtralité (ICTT), Université d’Avignon—International Conference “Two Canadian Classics, Bonheur d’occasion and Two Solitudes: Taking the Measure of the Intercultural Passage” to be held on September 25, 26, 2007 at the Canadian Cultural Centre, Paris, France.

Published in: Conference Diary


Third International Conference on the Translation of Dialects in Multimedia

The conference is directed at academics from various disciplines as well as translators and students who are interested in the translation of dialects in multimedia contexts.

Published in: Call for Papers

Stefano Arduini – Ubaldo Stecconi: MANUALE DI TRADUZIONE - Teorie e figure professionali.

Rome: Carocci. 212 pages – €18,00. ISBN: 978-88–430–3968–5 Order online from: [url=][/url]

“Manuale di traduzione” responds to the recent translation boom in Italy’s higher education, where training and research opportunities are now offered by about 50 institutions, large and small.

Published in: New Publications

Translation Research Summer School 2007

18-29 June 2007, University College London (UCL)

The TRANSLATION RESEARCH SUMMER SCHOOL (TRSS), a joint initiative of three British universities, organizes an annual two-week course offering intensive research training in translation and intercultural studies for prospective researchers in the field.


Published in: Announcements

2nd International “Media for All” Conference:

Text on screen, text on air

We are happy to invite contributions for the 2nd International Conference “Media For All” - Text on screen, text on air to be held at the Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, in Leiria (Portugal), on 7-9 November 2007.

Published in: Call for Papers

Translating (in) the Arab World

Edited by: Sameh Fekry Hanna, University College London

A new collection of essays to be published by St. Jerome.

The study of translation and interpreting has been Euro-centric since its inception (Bassnett and Lefevere 1998:138; Baker 1998:277-78). With the publication of John Benjamins’ Translators through History in 1995 and the Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies in 1998, the latter including a large section on translation in a wide range of traditions, many scholars both within and outside the Western sphere began to engage with scholarly work on translation and interpreting written from the perspective of the West’s many ‘others’ (Nair 2002; Chan 2004; Faiq 2004; Hung and Wakabayashi 2005; Hermans 2006, Cheung 2006).

Published in: Call for Papers

Stylistic Approaches to Translation

by Jean Boase-Beier

The concept of style is central to our understanding and construction of texts. But how do translators take style into account in reading the source text and in creating a target text?

Published in: New Publications