July 27-29, 2006, University of Buenos Aires (UBA), School of Law

The aim of the 1st Conference on Specialized Translation is to enhance the translator´s proffesional training and promote the acquisition and development of specializations. We hope to receive input from colleagues worldwide in order to share relevant knowledge about the specialty areas chosen for this event.

Published in: Conference Diary

METM 06:  International Communication-Promising Practices

to be held 27-28 October 2006 in Barcelona, Spain

The association Mediterranean Editors and Translators announces its second meeting, METM 06:  International Communication-Promising Practices. METM 06 will again bring together communications theory and practice in a variety of specialized knowledge fields in which Euro- Mediterranean professionals and institutions must use English to communicate.

Published in: Call for Papers


London 2006: Routledge. ISBN: 0415364655

Michael Cronin (Dublin City University, Ireland) looks at how translation has played a crucial role in shaping debates about identity, language and cultural survival in the past and in the present.

Published in: New Publications

Languages and the Media: Free Access - Priceless Rights?

Sixth International Conference and Exhibition on Language Transfer in Audiovisual Media

October 25th - 27th 2006, Hotel InterContinental, Berlin

Published in: Call for Papers

Translation and Conflict. A Narrative Account

Mona Baker

Translation and Conflict: A Narrative Account demonstrates that translation is part of the institution of war and that translators and interpreters participate in circulating as well as resisting the narratives that create the intellectual and moral environment for violent conflict. Drawing on narrative theory and using numerous examples from historical as well as contemporary conflicts, the author provides an original and coherent model of analysis that pays equal attention to micro and macro aspects of the circulation of narratives in translation, to translation and interpreting, and to questions of dominance and resistance.

Published in: New Publications


Writing and Translating for Children: Voices, Images and Texts - Ecrire et traduire pour les enfants: voix, images et mots

Convegno internazionale sulle problematiche legate alla scrittura e alla traduzione di letteratura per l’infanza organizzato dal Dipartimento di Studi Interdisciplinari su Traduzione, Lingue e Culture dell’Univesrità di Bologna in programma a Forlì, Aula Magna della Scuola per Interpreti e Traduttori, Via Oberdan 3.

Published in: Conference Diary

International Summer School in Screen Translation

(University Residential Centre Bertinoro, 22nd - 26th May 2006)

The Summer School offers a full immersion into the latest techniques offered by the European Screen Translation industry, taking the current state of production and work market as a specific point of reference.

Published in: Conference Diary

Raffaella Bertazzoli. La traduzione: teorie e metodi

2006. Carrocci editore. "Le Bussole". pp. 128. ISBN 88-430-3697-1. € 9,50.

Le traduzioni svolgono un ruolo fondamentale nello sviluppo delle letterature nazionali. Già a partire dall’età classica, e lungo i secoli, molto si è discusso in relazione ai problemi e ai metodi connessi all’operazione del tradurre. Ci si è interrogati insomma non solo sul significato storico non solo delle traduzioni, sulla loro importanza nel contesto di arrivo, ma anche sui criteri metodoligici al fine di valutarne complessivamente la qualità.
Illustrando preliminarmente i concetti di traduzione e di processo traduttivo, il volume ripercorre le tappe di un dibattito complesso e attuale ed esamina le varie impostazioni teoriche, fino alle moderne metodologie dei Translations Studies.

Published in: New Publications