Corso di traduzione: fumetti, sottotitoli, testi teatrali e adattamento dialoghi

Firenze - Ottobre 2007

Promosso dall’Associazione culturale Grió e da Smile Toscana, questo corso nasce dall’intento di formare figure professionali complete, in grado di valutare, tradurre, curare e revisionare un testo, per soddisfare la crescente richiesta in tal senso da parte di editori e agenzie.



Herceg Novi, Montenegro, September 16 - 18, 2007

The Institute of Foreign Languages, University of Montenegro, organizes the second conference on intercultural communication entitled “Languages and Cultures in Contact”. The first conference was organized in Koper, Slovenia, in June 2005. The idea is to look into intercultural communication through different fields of study and research.
Deadline for submission of a proposal for a presentation/workshop is May 31, 2007.
Deadline for participants who want to attend the conference is June 30, 2007.

La ricerca lessicografica in Italia e in Europa - Lexicographic research in Italy and in Europe

Pisa, 19-20 October 2007

New technologies have revolutionized linguistic research over the past few decades. A particularly fruitful application has been in the field of lexicography, where the ability to construct and analyze large collections of data has brought about fundamental transformations in the work of translators.

Inchiesta sui traduttori di letteratura di consumo

a cura della Sezione Traduttori del Sindacato Nazionale Scrittori

La Sezione Traduttori del Sindacato Nazionale Scrittori (SNS)  promuove un’inchiesta per far luce sulla situazione dei traduttori delle pubblicazioni editoriali di consumo (rosa, gialli, fantasy, ecc.) che compaiono a scadenza periodica in edicole e librerie.

Translation Research Summer School 2007

18-29 June 2007, University College London (UCL)

The TRANSLATION RESEARCH SUMMER SCHOOL (TRSS), a joint initiative of three British universities, organizes an annual two-week course offering intensive research training in translation and intercultural studies for prospective researchers in the field.


Sezione Traduttori Sindacato Nazionale Scrittori

Invito all'adesione

È nata una nuova realtà associativa alla quale possono aderire i traduttori editoriali: la Sezione Traduttori del Sindacato Nazionale Scrittori (SNS).

Online Postgraduate Certificate in Translation Studies

CTIS, University of Manchester

The Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies is offering a programme designed for people who would like to obtain a postgraduate qualification in translation studies from the University of Manchester but who are unable to attend a part-time or full-time programme in Manchester.