8th IATIS International Conference: Sustainable Translation in the Age of Knowledge Extraction, Generation, and (Re)Creation
Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, 10 - 13 December 2025
Submissions are now open (deadline: 10 Aprile 2025) for the 8th IATIS International Conference on Sustainable Translation in the Age of Knowledge Extraction, Generation, and (Re)Creation
Legal Translation & Interpreting on the move. Research and Professional Opportunities
SSLMIT Trieste, 2-4 October 2024
The conference Legal Translation & Interpreting on the move is the closing event of the 2022-2023 edition of the 1st-Level Master programme in Legal Translation offered by the Department of Legal, Language, Interpreting and Translation Studies of the University of Trieste.
The conference is also part of the events organised on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting (SSLMIT) as well as the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the University of Trieste.
3rd International Conference on Community Translation
University of Warsaw, Poland, 6-8 July 2023
A series of talks on the current role and status of Community Translation across borders, as well as workshops aimed at formulating best practices in professional and training settings. Contributions on translation for healthcare, administration, judicial systems, migrant and refugee services, and many others are warmly welcome. A networking session is also planned, bringing together the representatives of different fields, including representatives of the research, business and technology sectors.
European Colloquium on Gender & Translation (5th edition) Gendering Agency and Activism in Translation and Interpreting University of Ferrara, Italy, 6-7 June 2022
The main aim of this hybrid Colloquium (in person and online) – which has shifted venue from edition to edition since 2016 – is to periodically offer an overview of the latest trends in the research on translation and gender around the world, with special emphasis on its cross-pollination with a number of disciplines, including but not limited to Translation Studies, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Cultural and Media Studies, Sociology, Politics, Linguistics and Literary Criticism. Besides its overview of the growing diversity of research (both theoretical and practical) on translation and gender/sexuality/equality, the 5th edition of this Colloquium will have a thematic orientation focused on the role played by translation and interpreting as agents of resistance to and change of the dynamics between gender and power in society.
Reimagining Comics
The Translation and Localization of Visual Narratives
Special issue of inTRAlinea (2023), guest edited by Michał Borodo (Kazimierz Wielki University, Poland)
Understanding Wikipedia’s Dark Matter
Translation and Multilingual Practice in the World’s Largest Online Encyclopaedia
Hong Kong Baptist University
15-17 December 2021 | Online via Zoom
Second Call for Papers
Inclusive theatre-making: translation, accessibility and beyond
Special issue of inTRAlinea. Guest edited by Elena Di Giovanni and Francesca Raffi
This special issue wishes to gather theoretical, methodological and empirical reflections on the notion of inclusive theatre-making, with ample space for interlingual, intralingual and intersemiotic translation to be discussed from an interdisciplinary perspective. Collaborative papers bringing together different standpoints and competencies are encouraged.
Translations of Aristotle’s Poetics ever since the XVI Century and the Forging of European Poetics
Università di Trento, 4-5 May 2021
(Call Deadline: 31-Oct-2020)