EÖTVÖS LORÀND UNIVERSITY (HUNGARY) FACULTY OF HUMANITIES Institute of Germanic Studies 6th Conference on the translation of dialects in multimedia 18-19 September, 2014 Deadline for abstract submission: 15th of June, 2014
Central and Eastern Europe, Role of The Dialects and Minority Languages
in Multimedia
English linguistics and corpora
research issues and language teaching innovations
Date: 8-Apr-2015 to 10-Apr
Location: Université PARIS Est Créteil (Metro line 8, station « Créteil-Université»)
This Conference is intended as a gathering for corpus linguists working on any aspect of the English language and concerned with corpora issues. The main issues that this conference aims at debating are:
Corpora and Literary Translation
Edited by Titika Dimitroulia and Dionysis Goutsos
Deadline for article submission: 30 September 2014
To be published in 2015
Parallèles Issue 26
Submissions (full papers) are now being invited for issue 26 of Parallèles, an interdisciplinary scholarly journal showcasing research in translation and interpreting published by the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting at the University of Geneva, Switzerland
Deadline for submissions is 30 June 2014.
Transferring Cultural Images
Parallels between Stereotyping and Globalising
Yeditepe University, Istanbul, 16-17 Sep 2014
Please note the deadline for abstract submission: 25 April 2014.
Special Issue of FACHSPRACHE on Legal Phraseology and Specialised Meanings in Multilingual Settings
Guest editors: Stanisław Goźdź-Roszkowski (University of Łódź) Gianluca Pontrandolfo (University of Trieste)
Corpus linguistics and the emergence of specialised computerised resources have given fresh impetus to the study of phraseology. This has resulted in the emergence of the distributional (Evert, 2004), frequency-based (Nesselhauf, 2004) approach which adopts a bottom-up corpus-driven approach to identify lexical co-occurrences (Sinclair, 1987). At the same time, the notion of phraseology has expanded to denote “the whole range of co-occurrence patterns” (Granger 2005) or “the co-occurrence of a form or a lemma of a lexical item and one more or additional linguistic elements of various kinds which functions as one semantic unit in a clause or sentence and whose frequency of co-occurrence is larger than expected on the basis of chance” (Gries 2008:6). Despite the growing interest in phraseology and its recognised pervasiveness in language (e.g. Granger & Meunier, 2008; Römer& Schulze, 2009), research into phraseological items and patterns in legal discourse remains relatively underexplored. This perceived gap in legal phraseology research is particularly serious in respect of multilingual, contrastive studies.
Innovation Paths in Translation and Intercultural Studies
5th IATIS Conference (Belo Horizonte, Brazil, July 2005).
Call for Proposals for: panels, papers, roundtables, workshops, “rapid fire” presentations, and posters.
Médias et bien-être : discours et représentations. Forlì, 16 et 17 octobre 2014.
Appel à communications
A la suite du colloque international “Médias et santé publique” organisé par le laboratoire SPH de l’Université Bordeaux 3 en octobre 2012, l’Université de Bologne (DIT Département d’Interprétation et de Traduction de Forlì) en partenariat avec les Universités Bordeaux 3 et Rome 3, en collaboration avec le Dorif Università, souhaitent poursuivre les réflexions entamées en se focalisant sur la notion de bien-être.