Challenges and Alliances in PSI&T Research and Practice
3rd International Conference on Public Service Interpreting & Translating & 7th International Conference on Translation
The Training and Research Group on Public Service Translation and Interpreting (FITISPos) at the University of Alcalá (UAH) (Madrid, Spain) are pleased to announce the 3rd International Conference on Public Service Interpreting & Translating (& 7th International Conference on Translation) to be hosted at the UAH, on the 24th and 25th of April 2008.
This conference is intended to offer PSI&T researchers, practitioners, trainers, academics, public service authorities and people interested in intercultural communication a forum for dialogue and exchange of views and experiences like the previous ones held in 2002 & 2005.
the Third Asian Translation Traditions Conference
(Ex)Change and Continuity in Translation Traditions
Bogaziçi University
Department of Translation and Interpreting Studies, Istanbul
October 22 - 24, 2008
La forme comme paradigme du traduire
colloque en traduction/traductologie
L’Ecole d’interprètes internationaux,
l’Institut de linguistique de l’Université de Mons-Hainaut,
en collaboration avec l’Université de Bruxelles et le Ciephum,
organisent à Mons, les 30 et 31 octobre 2008
Representing Islam
Comparative perspectives
International Conference, University of Manchester, 5-6 September 2008
We invite single-paper and full-panel proposals for the conference ‘Representing Islam: Comparative Perspectives’ organised jointly by the Universities of Manchester and Surrey and supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of Britain.
the Journal of intercultural mediation and communication
Call for Abstracts: 20th November 2007
Paper submission: 20th March 2008
First issue: September 2008
INTED 2008 - VALENCIA, 3rd 5th March 2008
The general objective of INTED 2008 conference is the promotion of international collaboration in the field of technology, engineering and science education. INTED 2008 provides an International Forum for researchers, engineers, professors, educational scientists and technologists in the areas of Education, Science and Technology. It will be an excellent opportunity to present, demonstrate and discuss research, development, applications, and the latest innovations and results in the field of Higher Education and Industry.
GLOTTOPOL No 15 - janvier 2010
Numéro coordonné par Yves Gambier et Olli-Philippe Lautenbacher
Université de Turku, Finlande
Audiovisual Translation: Multidisciplinary Approaches
La traduction audiovisuelle : Approches pluridisciplinaires
19-20 June 2008 / le 19-20 juin 2008
University of Montpellier 3, France / Université Montpellier 3, France